Thursday, November 25, 2010

Skinned Genitalia

It's like peeling fruit, but more satisfying.  I tied the victim down to a bed and gagged him.  Pulled off his undies and went to work.  A paring knife and slicing in sections works best.  The sound of peeling skin freaks out the victim.  Mr. Tiddles tells him to hold still and stop squirming.  It will be over soon.  Then the real pain will begin. Craving a hole in his groin..blood splurging everywhere.  Scream all you want! No one, not even me can hear you.  We are quite isolated.  Do you recognize this place?  You took your dates here and defiled them.  Now it's payback!!!  I am removing the source of your rage.  Don't worry I will bury it with you....stuffed in your mouth!!!    

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