Sunday, November 28, 2010

Delicious Liquids

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF): clear, watery liquid that surrounds the brain, also known as: Muffin Milk.

Draining the brain of all its Muffin Milk is difficult. Many syringes break while piercing the victim's skull. Usually it takes skill to make one hard plunge into the soft area of a victim's head. Catch him or her in a choke hold from behind and plunge the long needle, deep inside. Feel the rush as the syringe's barrel fills with salty-sweet Muffin Milk. Don't worry about injecting air into a blood vessel causing an air embolism. This would be most preferable. Pull-out the syringe and empty its contents into the victim's mouth while the body is convulsing. What a sight to behold!!!!!!

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