Saturday, February 26, 2011

Burial in the MUD

Hiding a body in an abandoned building.  The basement fills with water and mud.  This is an ideal place for a burial.  This guy was caught trolling for unsuspecting women.  Mr. Tiddles got to him and snuffed out his pathetic life before anymore damage was done. 
When will men like him understand that date rape is not a form of foreplay.  Mr. Tiddles made this guy choke down some mud pie before then end.
Stupid bastard...crying like a baby as I scooped more mud down his throat.  Mr. Tiddles whispered into his ear "This was what you want and this is what you get!"  His diseased cock was cut off and feed to him.  Just like he feed himself to his rape victims. 
Now,the shoe is on the other foot!!!    

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