Saturday, February 19, 2011

Whispers in the BOX

---Return of the victim's voice---
I'm walking along without a care in the world.  I feel a pinch in my neck and then I drop into the arms of a guy in a strange mask.  It seems I'm being kidnapped. 
Why am I being kidnapped?  I'm not a bad person.  Yes, I have made some people's lives miserable, but they deserve it!  How does this guy who calls himself Mr. Tiddles know about my transgressions?  Can he read my mind?  All these questions are running through my head as I am stuffed in a humongous duffle bag and thrown into a trunk of an old vehicle.  The bottom is rusted out.  I can feel the wind coming through the truck as we speed along.   Before I was zippered into the duffle bag, I screamed where are you taking me?
Mr. Tiddles whispered, "Where you are going, you are not coming back."  Panic washed over me like a morphine high.  The fear was pumping through my veins.  Is this how I'm going to die...being kidnapped and killed by a psycho who calls himself of all things        Mr. Tiddles????
We finally arrive and I'm placed in some sort of box.  He doesn't let me out of the bag.  I feel great warm filling the bag and then I realize it's my own blood.  He is stabbing me through the bag...but I don't feel a thing.   He must have drugged me...I guess I'm just going to drift off into the great beyond for my horrible indiscretions against humanity...

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