Sunday, July 29, 2012

Dead Inside: DO NOT ENTER

Random Diary Entries Leaked on Internet by WetNanna:

We are running out of food and water.  Been holed up here for days.  The moaning zombies have moved on I think... 

Did God give up on us?

My parents, my friends, and co-workers are all gone...Either eaten alive or committed suicide not wanting to live like this...

Mom and Dad I am sorry for not listening to you.  If I knew, leaving our home would have separated us forever I would have stayed home with you guys.  Now, I am all alone in the world and these flesh-eating fiends smell my fear.     

Why are the dead rising and attacking the living?  Is this a Government made virus, Divine Retribution or maybe both...

 “The monsters that rose from the dead, they are nothing compared to the ones we carry in our hearts”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Zombies Rising

Internal CDC Memo released by WetNanna...

Fear has gripped all major U.S. cities.  

The populace must never the truth regarding Z1N1 virus.  All records are to be destroyed immediately.  All sector supervisors are responsible for this task.  All workers are to be searched before leaving their designated workstations.   If any worker found attempting to smuggle any information out of the facility will be dealt with deadly force.   

ZERO information will be given to the media or to any other government agency.


There are ongoing riots in every major city.  Gas stations and hardware stores are being ransacked for supplies.  Everyone is preparing for the next phase...

Meanwhile, Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are fighting off the undead in an unnamed Midwestern town. 

“Alive or dead, the truth won't rest.  Rise up while you can.”
― Mira Grant, Feed

Monday, July 16, 2012

Delicious Zombie Bites

Mr. Tiddles examines the bathtub creature closely.  Point of infection seems to have entered the bloodstream through a bite on the human creature's upper foot.  Infection spread like wildfire until it attacked the host's brain and it turned her into a raving lunatic fiend...Feeding on other humans. 

There are Hordes of these creatures trying to break into the motel room.  Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy ready their attack if anything gets in... 

"This could be the beginning of the ultimate contagium, the coming plague." --Anonymous

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Zombie Dawn Broadcast

Leaked transmission from a government radio broadcast: 

Intercepted by WetNanna:

Official: I will take your questions.
Reporter: Is it a virus?
Official: We do not know.
Reporter: How does it spread?  Is it airborne?
Official: Airborne is a possibility.  We do not know.
Reporter: Is it an international health hazard or a military concern?
Official: Both.
Reporter: Are these people alive or dead?
Official: [pause] We do not know.
Press Secretary: The president has direct contact with the CDC and head of FEMA.

Static...Static...Transmission lost...

"...When there's no more room in Hell, the Dead will walk the Earth." 
--Ken Foree

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bath Salts ("Disco") Zombie Epidemic

Leaked from WETNANNA's files:
A photo of marauding zombies surfaces...

MEDIA reports:

A Pennsylvania mom who had just given birth accused of smoking synthetic "bath salts" in the hospital and going on a violent rampage, assaulting a nurse and a police officer.

Carla M., age 31, was recovering in the hospital on June 17 after delivering her baby two days earlier, The Alt. Mirror reported.  Police say that Ms. M. smoked the synthetic drug, prompting her to strip off her clothes and go wild in the bathroom.

M. rolled around on the shower floor, confused and unable to state her name.  Cops arrived to calm her, and found in her purse a dismantled black pen with powder inside that the mother later called "Disco" -- a street name for bath salts -- the paper reported.

As M. flailed about, a nurse administered the anti-psychotic drug Haldol.  M. responded by punching a nurse in the face, the New York News reported.

She reportedly remained aggressive, cursing and trying to escape the hospital room.  An officer restrained her, but    Ms. M. managed to stand up, hit, and attempt to bite a cop.  Police then handcuffed and arrested M., who also kicked a nurse in the chest on her way out of the room.

These reported Bath Salts, a synthetic cocaine-like substance found in smoke shops and gas stations, can lead to paranoia and hallucinations.  It is legal in many states -- though not for smoking -- and is connected to a few, though not all, recent cannibalistic attacks in major urban cities.

NOTE: This is all a LIE perpetrated by local and federal government.  The Z1N1 virus is spreading and turning individuals into flesh eating fiends.  These actions cannot be caused by smoking bath salts.  This is Government Propaganda being filtered through the media by the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   


MIAMI, Fla. — Mr. R.E., the so-called Causeway Cannibal, was not on "bath salts" or any other exotic drug when he chewed off the face of a homeless man last month, according to toxicology results released last week.

Tests on the 31-year-old's body show only marijuana in his system at the time of the May 26 attack, according to the County Medical Examiner.
Ruled out were synthetic marijuana, LSD, amphetamines, PCP, heroin, oxycodone, several other street drugs, and alcohol, the ME reported in a news release.

The ME's office said it sought help from an outside forensic toxicology lab.  "Within the limits of current technology by both laboratories, marijuana is the only drug identified in the body of    Mr. R. E.," the ME's office said.

Another Blatant Lie:  According to a Local Media Station, Mr. R.E. had once been diagnosed with schizophrenia in the past after a misdemeanor arrest, however it is unconfirmed if treatment was ever sought.  While further investigation is needed in this case, a diagnoses of schizophrenia coupled with the use of marijuana could help explain what triggered the incident.

More unfiltered information will be released soon...

“This is the way the world ends; not with a bang or a whimper, but with zombies breaking down the back door.”
---Amanda Hocking, Hollowland