Thursday, April 30, 2020

A Quarantine Poem

I'm sick of talking...

Sick of drinking...

Sick of making money...

Sick of fucking...

Sick of taking drugs...

Sick of masturbating to female newscasters talking about the VIRUS...

Sick of starring at ads in magazines selling pills to make it all better...

Amerika makes me want to puke...

Voices in my head are telling me to do despicable and vile things...

Sick of jamming raw carrots up my ass...

Sick of consuming in this Capitalist society...

All of Amerika makes me want to puke...

"I've been sick for so long I don't remember a time when I wasn't sick."

~Alison G. Bailey

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

La Venganza del Gato

These Humans are dropping like flies from the "Invisible Enemy" called Coronavirus.

Less Humans might be a good thing for the Earth, but we Felines need to eat...

For some reason my food is locked up in metal contraptions.  Humans call them cat food cans.  Extremely hard to unlock my tasty morsels.   

My Legion of Felines and me will have to just dine on the bodies of the fallen Humans...

It's alright once you get passed the awful taste of Human flesh.  For awhile I witnessed the Humans chewing and eating each other...

This Human-made virus made them do horrible and strange things to each other...

Well, I need to run...there's more dead Humans to chow-down on...  

"No animal has more liberties than the Cat, but it buries the mess it makes.  The Cat is the best Anarchist." 

~Ernest Hemingway

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Human Slaughterhouse: CORONAVIRUS

These Slaughterhouses are popping up everywhere.

In the basements of residential buildings.

Wet sticky Blood all over the once white floors...

You must get rid of the hundred of thousands infected dead bodies...

Death Eradication Squads have the task to chop up these infected humans and dispose of them...  

The smell is unbearable...D.E.S. soldiers' Vomit mixing with blood and brain liquid matter (Muffin Milk)...  

Most of these soldiers will scum to this COVID-19 Plague. 

Just more Anguish and Despair.

"The Habit of Despair is Worse than Despair itself."

~Albert Camus (The Plague)

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Telecommunications 5G Conspiracy: COVID-19

Stolen from the WetNanna Files...

5G (5th generation of wireless networks) 

This new network is being weaponized by the Global Elites and Rouge World Governments...

5G is thought to be the actual cause of the contagion (COVID-19) or it's just enhancing its spread and lethality by weakening the immune system of Animals and Humans.

World Governments and their Elite are attempting to suppress this important information and is starting to "remove" these claims from the Internet.  

More evidence will be leaked in the future...

"Mother should I Trust the Government?"

~Pink Floyd 

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

R. Rattus Cannibalism: COVID-19

Humans are quarantined and no longer walking around dumping food and garbage in the streets.   

This means no food for the RATS...

They must adapt during this COVID-19 Pandemic...

Starving RATS are resorting to WAR and CANNIBALISM to survive this Human made Pandemic...

Every RAT is for him or herself...

First they FUCK the other RAT and then attack it for Food.  Zombie RATS tearing each other apart for Sex and Food...

Humans have a hand in DESTROYING everything on this EARTH even the RATTUS population...

“Fate is not an Eagle, it creeps like a Rat.”

~Elizabeth Bowen 

Monday, April 13, 2020


Is Anyone Out There???

No more Shopping at Malls...

COVID-19 has put the final nail in the coffin for Malls...

Malls used to be a place for the Populace to interact with each other as well as continue Capitalism...

This is no longer the case...

All you hear is silence and the building settling in for a long sleep...

No vehicles or humans to be seen...

Quarantine and Isolation is the way of life...

I Don't Think Anyone is Even in There!

"It's The End of The Mall as We Know it...and The Humans Feel Fine."

~Amerika Populace

Friday, April 10, 2020

Alone and Suffocating: CORONAVIRUS

I'm Out of My Mind...

I looked into her eyes and I saw it was OVER...

You left me when I needed someone...

I seem to be talking to someone that's not even here...

Lungs are filling up with liquid...

Fighting for AIR...

I believe I can solve this...

Just need some time to lay down on the floor and think...

Do others hear my thoughts?  

Red skin lesions with purple centers are growing rapidly on my body...

Is this all REAL or am I hallucinating this whole      Coronavirus Pandemic...

I believe I might be in some sort of     
   Hydroxychloroquine Haze...

I've been taking a H-dose every hour to ward off this invisible sickness...

I think I'm lying on the floor in a pool of sweat waiting for answers...

I really do not know what Reality is anymore...



Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Pandemic Darwinism: COVID-19

Leaked from the WetNanna files:

Biological Warfare is an optimal weapon towards Depopulation efforts made by many of the World governments.

The Population growth in many countries on Earth were hurling towards being unsustainable. 

The Chinese Government created this strain in underground labs and the Amerikan Government perfected it.

It was unleashed upon the World Populace.  

Systematic eliminating the older population is key for these Rouge Governments. It keeps the cost down of running these Blackguard regimes.  

It seems the unleaded virus (SARS-CoV-2) might be "too good" and it's also attacking and killing the younger population.  

Additional files will be leaked in the near future...    

"At some future period the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace the savage races throughout the world." 

~Charles Darwin

Sunday, April 5, 2020


Humans attacking Humans...

Biting and Chewing on Flesh...

Blood oozing from their mouths...

Has COVID-19 mutated to something more dangerous and sinister...

Neighbors and Relatives could be potential enemies...

Bloodthirsty fiends are roaming the streets.  

The Populace are carrying weapons to fend off these       COVID-19 plagued individuals when going outside...

Supermarkets, Pharmacies, and other supply stores are empty.  Running out of water and other life sustaining products...

The Populace is boiling its own urine for water...

"Long Live the New Flesh..." 


Saturday, April 4, 2020

No Transmissions during the COVID-19 World

There hasn't been any television transmissions in days...

No updates...No Pandemic warnings...

The Amerikan government has left their Populace to rot...

The Strategic Federal Stockpile is theirs not for the common people...The Elite will be the only ones to survive...

Could this have been their plan the whole time?

They are systematically Thinning the Herd...

Rumors are running rampant: There have been sightings of humans attacking humans, biting them and eating their flesh...

COVID-19 might be mutating to something even more dangerous...

"What Have We Done to Each Other..."

~Reznor and Ross