Wednesday, April 22, 2020

La Venganza del Gato

These Humans are dropping like flies from the "Invisible Enemy" called Coronavirus.

Less Humans might be a good thing for the Earth, but we Felines need to eat...

For some reason my food is locked up in metal contraptions.  Humans call them cat food cans.  Extremely hard to unlock my tasty morsels.   

My Legion of Felines and me will have to just dine on the bodies of the fallen Humans...

It's alright once you get passed the awful taste of Human flesh.  For awhile I witnessed the Humans chewing and eating each other...

This Human-made virus made them do horrible and strange things to each other...

Well, I need to run...there's more dead Humans to chow-down on...  

"No animal has more liberties than the Cat, but it buries the mess it makes.  The Cat is the best Anarchist." 

~Ernest Hemingway

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