Friday, April 10, 2020

Alone and Suffocating: CORONAVIRUS

I'm Out of My Mind...

I looked into her eyes and I saw it was OVER...

You left me when I needed someone...

I seem to be talking to someone that's not even here...

Lungs are filling up with liquid...

Fighting for AIR...

I believe I can solve this...

Just need some time to lay down on the floor and think...

Do others hear my thoughts?  

Red skin lesions with purple centers are growing rapidly on my body...

Is this all REAL or am I hallucinating this whole      Coronavirus Pandemic...

I believe I might be in some sort of     
   Hydroxychloroquine Haze...

I've been taking a H-dose every hour to ward off this invisible sickness...

I think I'm lying on the floor in a pool of sweat waiting for answers...

I really do not know what Reality is anymore...



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