Sunday, May 24, 2020

Down With the Sickness

Just look outside...Pure Madness...

Cannot go outside...Cannot stay inside...

I'm out of my mind...Girl...

I'm stuck with these voices all in my head...

Week by Week...

Day by Day...

Hour by Hour...

Minute by Minute...

The Sickness (Covid-19) is taking hold...

No way out of this...

I'm rotting from within...

Are we really worth saving?

I'm doubting it little by little...

"If you think this Universe is bad, you should see some of the others..."

 ~Philip K. Dick

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Searching for Sanctuary...

San Pedro De Atacama

Antofagasta, Chile

A band of scavengers looking for food and water in the desert come upon this sanctuary.

The Monks welcome the weary travelers...

These Monks have no contact with the outside world and never heard of the ravages of COVID-19...

Looks are definitely deceiving in this idyllic sanctuary...

The Monks wait for lost travelers to stumble upon their oasis and these individuals never leave the grounds...

The source of food in this desert village is Human Flesh...

Soft and Chewy...Rich with Blood and Protein...

The band of scavengers have no idea what is in store for them...

"Disregard the Coronavirus as you would a cannibal kissing your face..."

~Kevin Ansbro 

Friday, May 22, 2020

Who Killed The World?

Water is scarce... 

No more natural rain...Just Acid Rain...

Humans are driving this planet to extinction... 

COVID-19 is just pushing it over the edge...

Sand and Rocks everywhere...

Civilization has finally begun to crumble...

Humans will end up like the Mighty Dinosaurs that roamed the Earth...EXTINCT

"When Civilization Ends, it Ends fast..." 


Sunday, May 17, 2020

Calling for HELP in this COVID World

Calling a DEAD telephone...

There's no one out there to help us...

Humans brought this misery upon themselves...

Help is not on its way...

There's no end to the Misery...

Running out of Food and Water...

After a few weeks FOOD hallucinations set in...

Men feeding upon Men...

Human flesh starts to taste like a Steak dinner...

"The telephone is needed for Emergency purposes only.  These people are not Emergencies, they are Calamities..."

~Charles Bukowski

Saturday, May 16, 2020

And Now the End Times...

Never thought we would end up like this...

Afraid of touching one another...

Afraid of touching family members...

Loss of Freedom...Loss of Blood...Loss of Life

Always knew the END would occur, but not so soon or like this...

The above scene is taken from a flat in Dublin Ireland.

Bloodshed...Family members fighting over scraps of food...

Bodies lying in doorways and alleyways...

Flesh torn and bite marks left on the body...

Cannibalism reigns in Ireland...

COVID-19 is wrecking havoc all across the Globe...  

Everyone for themselves...

"Because the END is really the Beginning."

~The Comet Is Coming

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Ritual Sacrifices during COVID Pandemic

Bodies dragged across rooftops...

Many religions believe that the Art of Sacrificing will ward off EVIL...

Unsuspecting individuals are kidnapped off the streets and taken to a roof of a building for such rituals...

Blood must be shed for the "Greater Good..."

After the Bloodletting, Religious Chants, and Prayers are finished...

Bodies are burned and dumped off the roof...

Bodies are plying up and decaying in building alleyways...

It's a necessary EVIL to ward off this Invisible Enemy (Coronavirus)...

Beliefs can be deadly...

"Belief is the enemy of knowledge..."

~Aleister Crowley - Moonchild


Thursday, May 7, 2020

Amerika's Surveillance Continues...

Leaked from the WetNanna files...

Amerika's and China's ruling class unleashed the COVID-19 virus as a Depopulation Experiment to keep the population down...

So COVID-19 was released and chaos ensued...across the globe...

SARs-CoV-2 (COVID-19) seems to be an upgrade from past biological weapons created by rouge governments.  

Surveillance of the Populace continues...checking on the progress of the VIRUS and how it's decimating Humans as constructed...

This VIRUS has begun to mutate and now Humans are attacking and devouring other Humans in order to survive.  

One of the symptoms of this VIRUS is the uncontrollable desire of human flesh...   

This might help with food shortages throughout the Heartland and Urban areas. 

Cannibalism has become a useful tool for the masses...

Surveillance has shown this biological weapons lab created VIRUS might be too good...

"Big Brother is Watching...Keep them Entertained..."


Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Coronavirus Pandemic Abductions...

Photo stolen from WetNanna files...

Two men are seen stuffing a body wrapped in black trash bags into a trunk...

Could this be a kidnapping for ransom or something even more sinister?

Food (Especially meat) is scarce during this COVID-19 Pandemic...

The meat supply chain is breaking down across AMERIKA due to the VIRUS...

Abductions are occurring daily...

A full size Adult male can feed a family of four for days...

Once you get past the awful taste of Human Flesh...Meat is Meat...

Besides worrying that you will might succumb to the VIRUS, you now must watch out you're not abducted and end up on the dinner menu...  

"Cannibalism holds the potential to solve both, overpopulation and hunger problems."


Monday, May 4, 2020

Amityville Horror House during the Pandemic...

What's happening at this place?

More Madness during the COVID-19 Pandemic...

108 Ocean Ave (changed from 112 Ocean Ave) Amityville, N.Y.  

EVIL does not take a vacation just because there's a Pandemic going on in AMERIKA...

Demons are very active in this particular house for some unexplained reason...

Just imagine being COVID quarantined in this place for weeks and months...

November 13, 1974 was the day...when everything started at this location.

Every night at 3:15 am the residents are awaken from their slumber...

Feeling an unease in their minds and something is about to happen...

The first two murders (Ronald DeFeo's parents) occurred exactly at 3:15 am on November 13.  It only took about 15 minutes for Ronald to kill both his parents, two brothers, and two sisters using a .35 Marlin Rifle.

The LUTZ family purchased this house 13 months later.  They could only last 28 days before abandoning their abode...

Now some new family is quarantined there...

Just imagine the impending CARNAGE... 

"The voices told me to."

~Ronald DeFeo Jr.


Friday, May 1, 2020

The Gospel of a New Century

6 Feet apart...

No touching...

Showing no signs of Affection...

Masks to hide identity...

Covering the whole body to stop infection...

The PLAGUE is upon us...

Rampant Hoarding of food...
                                     toilet paper...
                                     pain medication...

The Populace bored in their homes...

With plenty of time to think and conjure up more ways of torturing each other and destroying the Earth...  

Now is not the time to procreate...

Natural Resources are diminishing faster than ever...

It's every man for himself...

It's either KILL and CONSUME or be KILLED and CONSUMED...

"Nobody is capable of really thinking about anyone, even in the worst calamity."

~Albert Camus--The Plague