Thursday, May 7, 2020

Amerika's Surveillance Continues...

Leaked from the WetNanna files...

Amerika's and China's ruling class unleashed the COVID-19 virus as a Depopulation Experiment to keep the population down...

So COVID-19 was released and chaos ensued...across the globe...

SARs-CoV-2 (COVID-19) seems to be an upgrade from past biological weapons created by rouge governments.  

Surveillance of the Populace continues...checking on the progress of the VIRUS and how it's decimating Humans as constructed...

This VIRUS has begun to mutate and now Humans are attacking and devouring other Humans in order to survive.  

One of the symptoms of this VIRUS is the uncontrollable desire of human flesh...   

This might help with food shortages throughout the Heartland and Urban areas. 

Cannibalism has become a useful tool for the masses...

Surveillance has shown this biological weapons lab created VIRUS might be too good...

"Big Brother is Watching...Keep them Entertained..."


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