Friday, May 1, 2020

The Gospel of a New Century

6 Feet apart...

No touching...

Showing no signs of Affection...

Masks to hide identity...

Covering the whole body to stop infection...

The PLAGUE is upon us...

Rampant Hoarding of food...
                                     toilet paper...
                                     pain medication...

The Populace bored in their homes...

With plenty of time to think and conjure up more ways of torturing each other and destroying the Earth...  

Now is not the time to procreate...

Natural Resources are diminishing faster than ever...

It's every man for himself...

It's either KILL and CONSUME or be KILLED and CONSUMED...

"Nobody is capable of really thinking about anyone, even in the worst calamity."

~Albert Camus--The Plague 

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