Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Blood in Snow Drifts

Follow my victim on the street late at night during the witching hour. Come up from behind...a strong chokehold applied. Bang his head into the pavement until he's unconscious. Blood stains form in the snow.   Mr. Tiddles had been following this one on foot for hours.  He was wrecking havoc in the streets before I got a hold of him.  Picking up unsuspecting ladies and forcing them to perform unspeakable acts to him and for him.  He was a cruel human being and deserved his fate.  His unconscious body is dragged behind a building and he's cut up into little pieces.  I think the rats are hungry on this cold winter's night.  He will be fed to the sewer rats. 
Hey, they need to eat too!!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Last Days

this is truly the last days...

there's no one in charge running this planet...
members of society are on so many drugs...they're numb to it all!!!
All levels of government are corrupt... We are all trapped in this contraption and it's bleeding to death!

The Sun is slowly dying...and so will this planet die and all its inhabitants...

Mr. Tiddles is just cleaning up the mess that humans created.  The non-human creatures need to take back this Earth before it's too late.   I'm get rid of the trash (man = evil doers) by killing them by one.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

New Use for a Telephone Booth

On Feb. 2, 2001, Bell Telephone announced that it was getting out of the pay phone business. This made it the first major phone company to do so.

Mr. Tiddles will never get out of the "killing" business!!    

Grabbing my victim, dragging her into the telephone booth...strangling her with old discarded phone wires.   The wire severed the carotid artery.  Blood splurging all over the place.  No matter, these old booths are not used anymore.  Now they are free for me to do my work inside them.  Blood can squirt all over the enclosed glass panels.
Just because society has no use for these pay phone booths, it does mean they should go to waste...

Mr. Tiddles will put them to good use!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Lunar Eclipse

The first total lunar eclipse on the winter solstice since 1638 and only the second in 2,010 years wowed stargazers in North America.        
The lunar eclipse started on Dec. 20, 2010 and lasted a few hours into the morning hours of the winter solstice Dec. 21.
In 1638, Mr. Tiddles was there killing during that lunar eclipse on the winter solstice. 
On Dec. 21, 2010, there was more bloodshed.   
It was a time to celebrate winter solstice with the dispatching of a fresh soul.  Strangulation under the red moon light.  It was over in a few seconds...catch--stab--strangle...and released into the afterlife.  It's poetry!!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010


This place is for crazy people...I'm not crazy....just a serial killer dispatching souls into the great beyond. 

A Serial killer can go on killing for decades...uninterrupted. Mr. Tiddles has been killing for centuries...the rest of you guys are just fucking amateurs compared to me!!!


Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease (CJD), may be asymptomatic for many years before manifesting as a terminal disease.

Instruments that touch bone or penetrate tissue are critical and must be sterilized.
Remarkably, sterilization is not adequate to destroy the prion pathogen of CJD (American Electroencephalographic Society, 1984). After intracranial EEG electrodes had accidentally caused transmission of CJD from a demented patient to two younger epileptic patients, the electrodes were implanted in the brain of a chimpanzee. The animal developed CJD within 18 months...

Mr. Tiddles' next demented patient (i.e.: victim) will not need sterilized instruments.  This victim has no chance of survival.   The patient will be connected to the EEG machine and the power turned dangerously high.  Gloves need to be worn due to the heat that is generated.  It's a wonderful sight to see when the patient's hair is smoking from the burns.  Mr. Tiddles shoves a sweat sock in the patient's mouth.  I don't want the patient to swallow his tongue and choke to death.  I want maximum pain from the electric currents coursing through his brain.  He will become mush....A shell of his former self.  Don't feel sorry for him!!! He didn't treat his rape victims with any dignity.       Mr. Tiddles needed to serve him some retribution for his despicable deeds.  

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Thrill of the Hunt

On second thought, leave the killing to a professional.  Most of you are a bunch of amateurs.  Getting caught and blaming society or your lousy childhood for your deeds.  Listen, it takes skill to catch your victim and dispatch them to the great beyond.  Mr. Tiddles has been perfecting his craft for centuries.  This prey has no idea that I am right behind her...watching her every move...Ready to pounce.  Just a few more feet...the blood pumping through my veins.  The anticipation invigorates me.  Soon she will feel, know, and understand my wrath!!! 

Follow me down this dark path...and you will learn too!!!

More Truth in Graffiti

All humans need to listen to their dark thoughts and release their inner beast.  Hunt and capture your prey...kill with swiftness. Like it or not, it's a kill or be killed world.   

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Big Sleep

One last gasp before sleeping for eternity.  One last struggle in a  bathtub.  She put up a gallant fight.  It was a mess!!  Mr. Tiddles needed a crow bar to smash a hole in the back of her head in order to release the poison (brain matter & muffin milk).  Then I stitched her up and laid her down on the bed.  I wanted to watch her decompose before my eyes. I hope she embraces the afterlife with full force.  She should thank me for releasing her from her mortal coil.   Mr. Tiddles never gets any praise for his work.  Killing humans "day in and day out" is a hard profession, but at least there will always be a need for me!!!  

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bathtub Fun

Preparing the body for the Big Sleep is important.  Taking out the brain matter.  Disconnecting the brain from its brainstem (medulla oblongata). Gouge out a hole in the back of the victim's head and tear away.  The sound this makes is deafening.  You hear the brain being torn from the spinal cord.  There is a plenty of blood and muffin milk splurging all over the place.  That's why you should lay the victim in a bathtub.  And I bet you bloggers thought a tub was only used for a bath!!!!       

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Delicious Liquids

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF): clear, watery liquid that surrounds the brain, also known as: Muffin Milk.

Draining the brain of all its Muffin Milk is difficult. Many syringes break while piercing the victim's skull. Usually it takes skill to make one hard plunge into the soft area of a victim's head. Catch him or her in a choke hold from behind and plunge the long needle, deep inside. Feel the rush as the syringe's barrel fills with salty-sweet Muffin Milk. Don't worry about injecting air into a blood vessel causing an air embolism. This would be most preferable. Pull-out the syringe and empty its contents into the victim's mouth while the body is convulsing. What a sight to behold!!!!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Skinned Genitalia

It's like peeling fruit, but more satisfying.  I tied the victim down to a bed and gagged him.  Pulled off his undies and went to work.  A paring knife and slicing in sections works best.  The sound of peeling skin freaks out the victim.  Mr. Tiddles tells him to hold still and stop squirming.  It will be over soon.  Then the real pain will begin. Craving a hole in his groin..blood splurging everywhere.  Scream all you want! No one, not even me can hear you.  We are quite isolated.  Do you recognize this place?  You took your dates here and defiled them.  Now it's payback!!!  I am removing the source of your rage.  Don't worry I will bury it with you....stuffed in your mouth!!!    

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hidden Morgue

Morgue: the holding area before burial. 

I found a place for my next four lucky victims to be stored while I search for their final resting place.  You must choose carefully.  It's a headache when an unwanted body is discovered.  The media loves to get involved and stir up unneeded trouble.  Why won't they just let us professionals do our job? I need to keep on doing what I do best without any interruptions!!! 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Electrical Currents Flowing at Full Capacity

The first symptom of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)  is rapidly progressive dementia, leading to memory loss, personality changes and hallucinations.   This is the human form of mad cow disease.  This bitch had it!!!
The whore bled all over the machine.  This disease had her snarling and biting like a wild animal.  My blood and her blood flowing during the procedure.  It had to be done...No question about that!

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

Mad Cow Disease...

Mr. Tiddles will free this individual of this affliction.  Smearing jelly all over her body and hooking her up to an Electroencephalograph.  However this time, the currents will be increased to dangerous levels in order to shock her into the Void.  See, I am actually helping her relieve her pain and suffering of this world.  She contracted this disease when she laid down with an unclean beast.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Hanging Garden

A little bit of Adrenochrome works wonders.  He became docile as a Hindu cow.  Now I will strip him naked for the world to see.  Then prepare him for the hanging.  He will be tripping into the afterlife on some far out shit.  Adrenochrome is a serious hallucinogenic substance taken from the adrenal gland of another one of my victims when she was living.  Removing the gland kills the "donor."  It cannot be taken from a corpse.  She was "so happy to make this sacrifice."   Sometimes sacrifice is the name of the game.   

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Rhapsody in Blue

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Contemplating...There are so many worthy victims.  I hope to relieve them of their mortal coil.  Who's next? Anyone want to give immortality a try????

Searching for Sanctuary

Searching for the best place to dismember my latest conquest.  It's like searching for a good restaurant.  Quiet abandoned areas are the perfect sites for me to take my time and thoroughly tease and torture my next causality.  Their screams and begging cannot be heard.  Mr. Tiddles cannot hear their screams anymore.  Scream louder because I cannot hear you!!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Glowing Eyes See All!!!

Mr. Tiddles' deeds are seen on Halloween.  This is the easiest day of the year to kill and dispose of a body.  No one questions anything suspicious on this long as Mr. Tiddles is done by 11:59 pm. When the clock strikes Midnight on November 1, it's back to killing in the shadows again...until next Halloween.  

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Screams in the Night

My next victim will be placed inside.  A perfect setting to tease and torture this fortunate creature until the last breath or scream is uttered into the night.  

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Looking into the Soul

Sometimes when a person sees their true self, they cringe and turn away in horror.  No one seems to embrace their true dark side. Well Mr. Tiddles embraces his enthusiastically!!!  My aura glows with anticipation of dispatching more tortured souls into the void.    

The Old World

Mr. Tiddles has been around for centuries.  Killing over and over...  You might think it's difficult to get away with it.  It's a challenge, but someone has to do it. 

Monday, September 6, 2010

Tied & Bound

Tied to a tree before execution.  Mr. Tiddles will have fun with this one.  Suffocated, dragged, and  tied up.   His shorts will be pulled down and objects  will find their way inside him.  He must suffer like the rest.  Why should he get off easy?!  My other victims endured tremendous amount of pain, he should receive the same.   Remember he wasn't innocent!  None of us are!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Covering up my Tracks

Swiftly, Mr. Tiddles covers the body before it's discovered. It seems that my obsession with redheads has no bounds. My bloodlust has reached new heights. I must continue my journey to rid the universe of these humans that deserve to perish. This rationalization might sound convoluted to everyone else, but clearly resonates in my mind. I must continue this odyssey of death and clear the forest of life, these undeserving by one.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Quarterdrawing of the Damsel

This victim needs to be dragged out of sight. She's putting up a fight. Semiconscious and splurging blood...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Wrapped in Plastic

Mr. Tiddles has an affection for wayward redheads. She was strangled and wrapped in plastic. Her mouth looked so inviting I had to stop myself from placing my body parts inside. I bet she was the talk of the college campus. Seducing the student body and faculty. She had to be vanquished before any more damage occurred!!!

Body Makes A Surprise Appearance

A Beautiful Victim makes a surprise appearance. Mr. Tiddles wonders who dug her up. Probably someone practicing necrophilia. There are many individuals who get off on that. Who can blame them. They wanted to taste her inner beauty. Her life force was very powerful at one time. She seduced many ladies and gentlemen during her time among the living. Mr. Tiddles has to dispose of the body again. Well at least I am able to lie down next to her one more time and smell the pheromones that seduced the world.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Other Side

"Now the victim has a voice..."

I am blindfolded and being dragged through the woods. I am able to smell pine trees. Dazed and slightly panicking. Who is doing this to me? And why? Yes, I am not the most upstanding person, but being kidnapped is way over the top. My guess it’s an ex-lover who seeks revenge. This person is not answering my screams. He will not speak to me. Maybe, he was just hired to kidnap me by a jealous former female lover. You know how these women sometimes cannot break off a relationship! However, with me I can break off a relationship like changing my panties each day. This guy is dragging me and the heels of my feet are burning. He sticks something in my mouth and I start gagging. It’s soft material, like cloth and it smells badly. On top of all this my period is in full force! Just going out for some fun and maybe get laid on a red letter day. Some guys love a heavy flow! This jerk-off grabs me from behind hog-ties me. I am thrown in a van and taken to a cabin in the woods.... I would say help me...but i guess I don't deserve it...

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Imagine someone being tied naked to a chair with her filthy legs spread wide open showing her insides to the world. This vagina must have had hundreds of fingers, tongues, and cocks inside it. Now there will be a multitudinous amount of super-absorbent tampons stuffed inside it during menstruation. She will expire from toxic shock syndrome. It will be a slow agonizing death. She showed no mercy for the many lives she ruined. So why should Mr. Tiddles show her mercy??!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sleeping with the Cables

Can someone quickly dump a body here? The body will tangle in the electric cables. No floating to the top. So many bodies to hide. Some day it will not matter. There will be so many of the dead lying around. There will be more dead than living. I await that day with fever and passion. The end of the human race. Finally, this earth will be given back to the original owners. Nature and its creatures will rule once again.