Sunday, October 27, 2013

Lurking in the Shadows: Samhain 2013

It's days away...Devil's Night: The night of SAMHAIM where killing your neighbor or brother goes unnoticed. 

Mr. Tiddles goes on a killing frenzy this time of year.  Grabbing the wicked off the streets and torturing them until they beg to be erased from this planet.

Victims shrieking, feeling unimaginable pain, and tears flowing until they drown. 

Mr. Tiddles is watching and hearing their last words with extreme emotional detachment.  Dismembering his victims as if this was the only reason he exists in this World. 

Beware...this time of Year...

Mr. Tiddles is lurking in the shadows. 

Waiting for his next SOUL to take...

Maybe this world is another planet's hell.
~Aldous Huxley

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