Saturday, October 12, 2013


Zombie Outbreaks, Government Shutdowns, Biological Warfare, Genocide, and finally Extinction. 

The Human Race has entered the END TIMES...

The following is a Suicide note taken from this gruesome scene:

I cannot take it anymore.  Living that is...

Witnessing neighbors and friends becoming sick from a man-made virus. 

The Amerikan government has started their DEPOPULATION Plan.  Poison their populace with a virus that turns them into ravaging zombies that devour human flesh. 

They will attack anytime and anywhere...

The Virus has many modes of infection: Airborne, placed in drinking water, Government sponsored flu shots, purposely infecting insects and animals in order to further infect humans. 

I will not allow them to infect me...

The only thing I left is my freedom to commit suicide on my own terms.  Leaving this life on one's own requisites is the only thing I have left in this world.  All my loved ones have succumbed to this deadly virus or been devoured by theses demons.

As I raise a pistol to the side of my head, I cannot stop thinking...      

These are truly sick times...

"Since we are all going to die, it is obvious that when and how do not matter." ---Albert Camus

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