Sunday, October 13, 2013

School's Out Forever

To further control their populace, the Elite Rulers of Amerika created and ordered the implementation of their DEPOPULATION initiative.  The effects of the Virus have devastated the landscape. 


Scared survivors are running from the INFECTED, seeking refuge in an old school house in the middle of NOWHERE.  They are tired, hungry, and injured.  With no other place to run and hide, they end up there. 
Nightfall is upon them and the streets are not safe for travel.  The INFECTED smell FEAR and begin congregating outside the dilapidated building attempting to push their way into it.  Someone in the darkness cries out: "Why are they doing this...why are they here?!?!

This scene is being played out in small towns across Amerika.


"True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country."
Kurt Vonnegut

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