Monday, August 17, 2020

A COVID Confession...

I never realized how loud a man could scream... Had to shove a pillow case down his throat to make him be quiet...I thought he enjoyed our choke-sex sessions... 

I believe this relationship lasted past its expiration date...

Some relationships are short and some are way too long... You need to learn which type you're in...

I believe I could be suffering from COVID madness...

Seeing voices and hearing colors...

This guy wrapped in bedsheets and I were in a brief relationship, but it was extremely passionate...    

Bite marks all over our bodies...

Blood was exchanged...

When I needed him most he wasn't there... I looked into his eyes and knew it was over...

Excuse me...I must be out of my mind...

His neck snapped like a twig during one of our many choke-sex sessions...  

Wrapped his lifeless body in sheets and a blanket...

Left him for the hotel maid to discover... 

I might shed a couple of tears over the ending of this relationship in a few days...or maybe never...

Tell me if this is Fundamental Love...

Remember some women are more dangerous than men...

"Hotel room cleanup work can kill you if done right."


Thursday, August 13, 2020

COVID: This Train Ride is PURE HELL

Blood splattered on the floor...

Sticky mess watch your step...

COVID infected Savages lurking for food...

Attacking and Eating unsuspected victims...

Survival mode during these turbulent times is paramount...

Two Fiends board the train foaming at the mouth with red glowing eyes probably suffering from this VIRUS... {By the way its not disappearing...}  

They grab the nearest human and begin to tear out the victim's throat with their snarling teeth...

Blood gushing everywhere...

The sound of this victim's screams are deafening...

Gagging on blood, one fiend chases down another victim from behind and tears a hole in her back and pulls out a piece of her spine and chews on it... 

The other fiend lying on the floor in a pool of blood licking the first victim's body...

Tasty...Sweet and Salty Blood... 

Pure Madness reigns in the Underground...

"I think I will catch the NEXT train..."


Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Building for the END TIMES

Choosing Sides in this COVID-19 Nightmare...

Preparing for War...

Circling the wagons...

US vs. THEM...

Take no prisoners...

It's a KILL or be KILLED World Now...

It's Eat or be Eaten...

Savages in the Heartland of Amerika...

Families and Neighbors brutally attacking each other for Survival... 


"But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come."

~2 Timothy 3:1 - the Bible

Monday, August 10, 2020

SunTrust Media Report Miami Florida: Zombie attacks in area

Driving down Interstate 95...

Unconfirmed reports of people wandering the freeway...

Disoriented and yelling unintelligible words...

Vehicles are speeding by...swerving not to crash...

A Blood soaked Florida man frantically waving for a truck to stop in the middle of the highway...

Driver stops and the man jumps up on the hood and clings to truck for 9 miles...

Deranged and Out of his Mind punching the windshield...

Yelling COVID is a hoax and it’s killing me...

Stay Tuned more reports of these Zombie attacks are coming in...

“COVID-19 was allowed to happen.  It’s a Plague that need not have happened.  It’s a Plague that could haven been contained from the very beginning.”


Sunday, August 9, 2020

BURN: Humanity going down in flames...

Humanity pushed to the brink...

Covid-19 is just what the doctor ordered...

Billions infected...

Billions will perish...

This is a one way ride for the 

Destruction of Humanity...

Tear it all down...

Burn it to the ground...

Leave no human survivors...

Let this Planet start all over again...

Nature and the Earth creatures will take over...

And will do a much better job...

“This world rejects me
This world threw me away
This world never gave me a chance
This world gonna have to pay.”


Thursday, August 6, 2020

Overtoun Bridge (AKA Dog Suicide Bridge) in Dumbarton, Scotland

Strange Happenings are occurring...

Canines are walking along this picturesque bridge and suddenly the thought of leaping off the bridge enters their mind...

At least 300 canines have perished mysteriously...

"Doggie Suicides"

One minute these canines are sniffing the Overtoun Bridge walkway enjoying all the smells and sights and then inexplicably they go to the edge and LEAP...

Is this Scottish Bridge somehow Haunted? 

Could it be an invisible entity, not seen by  Humans, pushing these dogs to the Brink of Insanity...   

Canines become possessed and End it All!

"If I have any beliefs about immortality, dogs will go to heaven, and very very few people."


Sunday, August 2, 2020

Deciphering COVID-19 Graffiti

Stumbling through the streets witnessing the devastation...

Bodies lying in the streets...

Experts say we are beyond help...

Wearing masks and face shields...

Stay 6 feet from each other...

Graffiti trying to educate the masses...

Secrets of the VIRUS are written on walls...

Written in Codes and Riddles...

Decipher it and a wealth of secrets will be revealed:

Why did this occur...

Who's to Blame...

Who was it really meant for...

How do we slow it down in order to stop it...

Too many questions and no answers...  

"Our World is filled with codes."
~Under the Silver Lake

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Darkness on Window Panes

Time is running out...

Empty buildings...Empty rooms...

Silence is the only chilling sound you hear...

I sit in Silence and Darkness. As blood flows down the window panes...

Millions of ordinary people are dead...

Take a look at the beautiful rivers of Blood flowing through the streets in every town...

Now see what Humans have done...

I'm left to play this horrible COVID game...

Who's Dead...Who's Alive...

Who can and cannot be trusted...

For will this nightmare last forever???

"It is what it is..."

~Dr. Anthony Fauci