Thursday, August 6, 2020

Overtoun Bridge (AKA Dog Suicide Bridge) in Dumbarton, Scotland

Strange Happenings are occurring...

Canines are walking along this picturesque bridge and suddenly the thought of leaping off the bridge enters their mind...

At least 300 canines have perished mysteriously...

"Doggie Suicides"

One minute these canines are sniffing the Overtoun Bridge walkway enjoying all the smells and sights and then inexplicably they go to the edge and LEAP...

Is this Scottish Bridge somehow Haunted? 

Could it be an invisible entity, not seen by  Humans, pushing these dogs to the Brink of Insanity...   

Canines become possessed and End it All!

"If I have any beliefs about immortality, dogs will go to heaven, and very very few people."


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