Thursday, August 13, 2020

COVID: This Train Ride is PURE HELL

Blood splattered on the floor...

Sticky mess watch your step...

COVID infected Savages lurking for food...

Attacking and Eating unsuspected victims...

Survival mode during these turbulent times is paramount...

Two Fiends board the train foaming at the mouth with red glowing eyes probably suffering from this VIRUS... {By the way its not disappearing...}  

They grab the nearest human and begin to tear out the victim's throat with their snarling teeth...

Blood gushing everywhere...

The sound of this victim's screams are deafening...

Gagging on blood, one fiend chases down another victim from behind and tears a hole in her back and pulls out a piece of her spine and chews on it... 

The other fiend lying on the floor in a pool of blood licking the first victim's body...

Tasty...Sweet and Salty Blood... 

Pure Madness reigns in the Underground...

"I think I will catch the NEXT train..."


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