Tuesday, September 15, 2020


Missing COWS...

Reports of livestock gone missing or abducted...

In the 1970s this phenomenon was blamed on space aliens...

It seems cows are now being abducted for      COVID-19 experiments by Amerikan scientists.  They pay individuals that need the money to abduct these cows in the Dead of Night.

COWS are snatched and taken to secret COVID labs on sprawling ranches in the Heartland...

Experiments are being conducted on these poor beasts... 

All in the name of creating a stronger strain of COVID-19 that kills humans faster and causes a higher rate of death.  

Alert the COWS of this unfortunate turn of events for the BOVINE community.

Humans are just the worst...

"All men are enemies. All animals are comrades."

~George Orwell - Animal Farm    

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