Monday, September 14, 2020

Letchworth Asylum Hospital: COVID-19 Plague Doctor is in...

Individuals enter Letchworth Asylum Hospital but never leave...

COVID patients locked in rooms with little or no light...

Bloodletting: Leeches poured over the body. Some even crawl in the patients' mouth. 

Patients becoming sicker by the hour...

COVID Bodies are burned in the hospital courtyard by the dozens...

Plague Doctor (Medico Della Peste) operates on these poor souls...

Feeding them discarded diseased rodents (2020 food shortage) and memorializing the effects...

Charles de L’Orme  - chief doctor to Louis XIII...was one of the first plague doctors in history.  This Medieval plague doctor did not face the ravages and scourge of COVID-19...

The Black Plague pales in comparison to COVID-19...

Stay Tuned: this Plague doctor will be visiting other patients...

"It's going to get worse before it gets better.
and it might never get better..."


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