Monday, September 7, 2020

Vultures in a COVID conversation

Two Florida vultures having a conversation...

“What’s going on with the humans?  They seem to be walking around in a daze (COVID-19)... Some are covering their faces with masks and seem to be panicking.  Others seem to be just walking around without a care in the world just agitating the ones covering their faces.”

“Hey look over there...a human is attacking another one and eating its face.  Chewing and swallowing blood.  That individual is screaming bloody murder.  No one is helping him.  The female just bounded out of a vehicle and pounced on her victim.  Strange ongoings in this world...”

“Well let’s not let good food go the waste...We can swoop down and pick the meaty flesh off the bones...Humans love to waste food...There is more delectable human flesh to savor on those bones...”

“Fear the vulture and the vulture will come.  Fear nothing and you are the vulture.”

~Suzy Kassem

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