Saturday, December 31, 2011

Year 2012: A Living Nightmare

It's hours before the New Year...

The mercenaries are holed up in a dilapidated garage attempting to hide from the evil creatures (Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy) of their living nightmare.  

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy will give them false hope and allow them to believe they are safe. 

The mercenaries are cut off from all provisions (food and water).  Hopefully, they will resort to cannibalism.  This would be a great scene to behold. 


Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy witness a mutilated bird comrade thrown out from one of the holes in the dilapidated garage.  These bastards are eating Mr. Tiddles' comrades to survive. 

These mercenaries have no idea the wrath that will come upon them.  They will suffer greatly for killing a bird comrade for food.  These mercenaries will wish for a quick painless death, but they will not receive it.  Each of them will suffer a long painful end to their miserable lives.

The coming days of 2012 will be their last spent on Earth. 

The Year 2012 will be a LIVING NIGHTMARE for all humans...

"The World began without man, and it will end without him."          --Claude Levi-Strauss

Monday, December 26, 2011

Two Moons

A few nights pass...

Most mercenaries witnessed their fellow brothers being tortured by Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy.  The remaining mercenaries flee into the night...leaving the compound.  As they look up in the sky.  Two moons are visible.  How can this be?  The Earth only has one known moon. 

Something changed.  Has Earth orbited into a parallel universe?  Where creatures such as Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are running amok and killing at will.       

The Mercenaries run for safety, praying to their god for mercy and protection from the creatures (Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy) who are now hunting them.  

The ultimate dilemma of human life: The one the humans call God has placed too much power in their hands.  These humans are too weak willed and they are destroying the Earth for their own gain or through their own stupidity.  In the process, innocent non-human creatures are paying with their lives.

Mr. Tiddles will assist the Earth Creatures in taking back the power from the Humans. 

"Listen to me!  You have to consider the possibility that God does not like you.  He never wanted you.  In all probability, he hates you.  This is not the worst thing that can happen."

Tyler Durden, Fight Club (1999)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Executed by Dawn

This mercenary will die at dawn.  How wonderful it must be for him to know the exact time he will perish.  Most humans never know the exact time and place they will die.  Mr. Tiddles is giving him a gift.

The mercenary wanted fun and adventure, so he applied for the job to 'take out' Mr. Tiddles and his henchman (Goatboy).  Well, he will get everything he ever wanted. 

Goatboy steps out from the shadows and grabs the mercenary in a chokehold.  Goatboy applies enormous pressure to his neck and he crumbles to the ground.  The mercenary is revived to find himself behind bars.  While asleep, he was forced feed Cicuta (water hemlock). 

The mercenary refuses to take off his mask in fear of the CS Gas in the atmosphere.  He is unaware that he was given a lethal dose of water hemlock (considered one of North America's most toxic plants being highly poisonous to humans).
He begins to panic behind the bars due to acute shortness of breath.  He is slowly suffocating due to the ingestion of this highly poisonous substance. He's muttering something over and over to his god.    

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are staring at him or more like staring through him until he gasps his last breath and expires....

This mercenary executed by Dawn.   

"It is very important not to mistake hemlock for parsley, but to believe or not believe in God is not important at all." 
--- Denis Diderot (French philosopher in the late 1700s)

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Art of Cooking Humans

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy will dispose of these mercenaries' bodies by cooking them in our oven.

Burning flesh of your enemy smells wonderful.  Goatboy will be able to have food for weeks.  Six or seven mercenaries can cook in the oven at one time.  Cooking someone alive gives off an even better aroma. 

These mercenaries need to pay for trespassing on Tiddles' compound and other transgressions they committed during their pathetic lives. 

This oven can get up to over 1500 degrees...So cook well my combatants!!!  The skin and other parts of their flesh will simmer, boil, and burn. 

Imagine being cooked in a huge oven.  Your flesh and skin would eventually fall off the bone.

At 1500 degrees, first your blood will boil in your veins and arteries, until your heart bursts inside your chest.  These humans will feel the same pain they inflict on animals.    

Stay Tuned: Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are not finished with these trespassing mercenaries...they were sent to eliminate us.  However, the tables are turned and we are doing the eliminating...   

“A man can be happy with any woman as long as he does not over-cook her.”
~ Oscar Wilde on How To Cook A Human

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Torture and Execution

These mercenaries captured one by one, tortured, and executed for meddling with       Mr. Tiddles' and his mission to eradicate humans from this Planet.

This mercenary is walking through the underground lair as Goatboy hides behind a huge boiler.  The mercenary has no idea that his life means very little to us                       (Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy).  We will show him what Hell on Earth really means.  He had no reason to believe that he was hired to bring down a centuries old killer and his henchman. 

The wealthy philanthropist who hired these mercenaries thought members of a cult had murdered his children (the brother and sister fornicators) not a centuries old murderer       (Mr. Tiddles) and his psychopath cohort (Goatboy). 

The mercenary slowly walks past the boiler, Goatboy jumps out of his hiding area, and swiftly over takes him in a flash, just as a mountain lion pounces on its prey.  Goatboy hoists the mercenary off the ground by his neck and throws him against the concrete wall numerous times until he is barely conscious.   The whole compound consumed by toxic levels of  CS gas, the mercenary's gas mask damaged and the CS gas is slowly seeping into his lungs.  His lungs are on fire and he lays against the concrete wall gasping for air.  Lost and cut off from his fellow mercenaries, he is slowly suffocating.  The underground lair is overflowing with multiple catacombs, he is all alone, except for Mr. Tiddles, and Goatboy watching intently as the mercenary takes his last dying breath. 

Torture and Execution is the name of the game.  There will be more tortured souls being dispatched by the killing duo.  There are more mercenaries to capture and torture. 

Remember...Mr. Tiddles never agreed to follow the Signatories and Tenets of the Third and Fourth Geneva Convention.  


In the future, torture will once again become the recreational sport of the rich.
--Douglas Coupland