Saturday, December 17, 2011

Executed by Dawn

This mercenary will die at dawn.  How wonderful it must be for him to know the exact time he will perish.  Most humans never know the exact time and place they will die.  Mr. Tiddles is giving him a gift.

The mercenary wanted fun and adventure, so he applied for the job to 'take out' Mr. Tiddles and his henchman (Goatboy).  Well, he will get everything he ever wanted. 

Goatboy steps out from the shadows and grabs the mercenary in a chokehold.  Goatboy applies enormous pressure to his neck and he crumbles to the ground.  The mercenary is revived to find himself behind bars.  While asleep, he was forced feed Cicuta (water hemlock). 

The mercenary refuses to take off his mask in fear of the CS Gas in the atmosphere.  He is unaware that he was given a lethal dose of water hemlock (considered one of North America's most toxic plants being highly poisonous to humans).
He begins to panic behind the bars due to acute shortness of breath.  He is slowly suffocating due to the ingestion of this highly poisonous substance. He's muttering something over and over to his god.    

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are staring at him or more like staring through him until he gasps his last breath and expires....

This mercenary executed by Dawn.   

"It is very important not to mistake hemlock for parsley, but to believe or not believe in God is not important at all." 
--- Denis Diderot (French philosopher in the late 1700s)

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