Saturday, December 31, 2011

Year 2012: A Living Nightmare

It's hours before the New Year...

The mercenaries are holed up in a dilapidated garage attempting to hide from the evil creatures (Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy) of their living nightmare.  

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy will give them false hope and allow them to believe they are safe. 

The mercenaries are cut off from all provisions (food and water).  Hopefully, they will resort to cannibalism.  This would be a great scene to behold. 


Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy witness a mutilated bird comrade thrown out from one of the holes in the dilapidated garage.  These bastards are eating Mr. Tiddles' comrades to survive. 

These mercenaries have no idea the wrath that will come upon them.  They will suffer greatly for killing a bird comrade for food.  These mercenaries will wish for a quick painless death, but they will not receive it.  Each of them will suffer a long painful end to their miserable lives.

The coming days of 2012 will be their last spent on Earth. 

The Year 2012 will be a LIVING NIGHTMARE for all humans...

"The World began without man, and it will end without him."          --Claude Levi-Strauss

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