Saturday, December 3, 2011

Torture and Execution

These mercenaries captured one by one, tortured, and executed for meddling with       Mr. Tiddles' and his mission to eradicate humans from this Planet.

This mercenary is walking through the underground lair as Goatboy hides behind a huge boiler.  The mercenary has no idea that his life means very little to us                       (Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy).  We will show him what Hell on Earth really means.  He had no reason to believe that he was hired to bring down a centuries old killer and his henchman. 

The wealthy philanthropist who hired these mercenaries thought members of a cult had murdered his children (the brother and sister fornicators) not a centuries old murderer       (Mr. Tiddles) and his psychopath cohort (Goatboy). 

The mercenary slowly walks past the boiler, Goatboy jumps out of his hiding area, and swiftly over takes him in a flash, just as a mountain lion pounces on its prey.  Goatboy hoists the mercenary off the ground by his neck and throws him against the concrete wall numerous times until he is barely conscious.   The whole compound consumed by toxic levels of  CS gas, the mercenary's gas mask damaged and the CS gas is slowly seeping into his lungs.  His lungs are on fire and he lays against the concrete wall gasping for air.  Lost and cut off from his fellow mercenaries, he is slowly suffocating.  The underground lair is overflowing with multiple catacombs, he is all alone, except for Mr. Tiddles, and Goatboy watching intently as the mercenary takes his last dying breath. 

Torture and Execution is the name of the game.  There will be more tortured souls being dispatched by the killing duo.  There are more mercenaries to capture and torture. 

Remember...Mr. Tiddles never agreed to follow the Signatories and Tenets of the Third and Fourth Geneva Convention.  


In the future, torture will once again become the recreational sport of the rich.
--Douglas Coupland

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