Monday, December 5, 2011

The Art of Cooking Humans

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy will dispose of these mercenaries' bodies by cooking them in our oven.

Burning flesh of your enemy smells wonderful.  Goatboy will be able to have food for weeks.  Six or seven mercenaries can cook in the oven at one time.  Cooking someone alive gives off an even better aroma. 

These mercenaries need to pay for trespassing on Tiddles' compound and other transgressions they committed during their pathetic lives. 

This oven can get up to over 1500 degrees...So cook well my combatants!!!  The skin and other parts of their flesh will simmer, boil, and burn. 

Imagine being cooked in a huge oven.  Your flesh and skin would eventually fall off the bone.

At 1500 degrees, first your blood will boil in your veins and arteries, until your heart bursts inside your chest.  These humans will feel the same pain they inflict on animals.    

Stay Tuned: Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are not finished with these trespassing mercenaries...they were sent to eliminate us.  However, the tables are turned and we are doing the eliminating...   

“A man can be happy with any woman as long as he does not over-cook her.”
~ Oscar Wilde on How To Cook A Human

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