Tuesday, November 6, 2012

NO GAS 2012

Information taken from WETNANNA'S                SECRET FILES:

Amerika Government is cutting off gas/petrol supplies to major cities in an effort to further drive the populace insane. Long gas lines and NO GAS signs have sprung up overnight.           Fear and Loathing have spread among the general public. 

There is blood in the streets.  Drivers are battling the police and other drivers for a gallon/liter of gas. 

Officials and the media are spreading the propaganda that the gas shortages are the outcome of bad weather.  Additional propaganda has the gas crisis easing.

The populace knows the truth that the Amerika government is systematically killing off their people.  All dissenters of the                          New World Order are to be exterminated with extreme prejudice.

"There's no such thing as gas shortage man, it's all set up by the government"--anonymous

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