Thursday, November 22, 2012

Savage Holiday: Day of the Turkeys


There will be Bloodshed on this savage holiday.  Turkeys are turning the tables on the despicable humans.  

For Hundreds of years turkeys have been hunted and killed for the savage holiday Amerika has named Thanksgiving.  The early settlers killed the natives for their land and now every holiday they commit further savagery by slaughtering turkeys.  The turkey almost named Amerika's national bird by a human named Ben Franklin in the 1700s. 

Mr. Tiddles will unleash his turkey minions on the populace.  Chew, tear, and devour the humans my feathered friends.  Unleash a bloody frenzy nightmare...human flesh and blood in their mouths.  It will be a succulent treat for them.    

"That the B-b-b-bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word...."
-- The Trashmen

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