Saturday, October 31, 2020



Samhain 2020

The barrier between the Dead and Living are whisper thin...

Souls passing into our world looking to wreck havoc...

Blood flowing in the streets...

Bodies piling up in the gutters...

Rats and Raccoons feasting on dead bodies...

These poor creatures eating COVID infected flesh...

When will the MADNESS end???

“We stopped checking for monsters under our beds when we realized they were inside us...”

~Charles Darwin

Friday, October 30, 2020

Mischief Night 2020

 We are ready to storm the streets looking for fresh victims...

Mischief Night 2020 will go down in history as COVID Hell

Grab and pull the victim out of a vehicle and drag them in the woods to mutilate...

COVID infected Blood will flow freely...

“One mischief always introduces another...”

~Daniel Defoe 


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Beauty among the Savages

 A Dead comrade...

Another casualty of this Plague (Covid-19).

A despicable Human searching for food in a beautiful and wondrous park decides to attack an unsuspecting squirrel.  Squirrels don't read newspapers.  They have no idea the Earth is in midst of a Global Pandemic.  They just think humans have lost their minds.  Which they definitely have...

Human grabs the squirrel and suffocates it.  Human takes a healthy bite and immediately drops it to the ground.  Squirrel tastes terrible... 

COVID-19 had entered this squirrel's   bloodstream days ago.  Now this horrible human has this disease.  The disease is traveling through the human's bloodstream like a freight train.  Not stopping or slowing down.  Until it reaches the brain and lungs.  In a few days, the human will feel the full effect of COVID-19.  Unless starvation catches him first...

"Humans are savages.  Their civilized behaviour is only a conditioned response." 

~Ljupka Cvetanova


Monday, October 26, 2020

dead girl in the pool


News Flash...

dead girl in the pool...FOUND at the bottom...

Possible suicide of a Children of the Pestilence member...  

Wandering around this secluded gated community...

I find this inviting pool scene...

I sneak into the enclosed pool area.  Dark, cold, and losing my mind I start to undress...

I blame my parents for introducing me to the Elders of C.O.P.  My innocence was lost the first time I engaged in their perverted and sick rituals...

My parents informed me it was either join the group (Children of the Pestilence) or die an agonizing death from COVID-19.  No choice either way.  Death would find me...

I slowly slip into the water clutching a razor blade in my hand...Cold at first then sort of comforting...

Slice my wrists and then slice numerous areas of my body.  The blood spilling out into the water...

My secrets and troubles are leaving my body...

Just before I lose consciousness...A random thought enters my twisted mind...I wish I could see the look on the property owners' faces when they find a dead girl in the pool...

After all this I'm just the dead girl in the pool... 

"No one commits suicide because they want to die.  Then why do they do it? Because they want to stop the pain."

~Tiffanie DeBartolo   

A Warning in October 2020: Children of the Pestilence

Do not pass...

Call off the rescue party no one is looking for me...

I'm not the hero you want me to be...

I know the End and it's not pretty...

Cults usually emerge during times of uncertainty.  Individuals searching for a place to belong.  To make sense of their chaotic world.  

In 2020, this world has not seen this much Chaos since the Year 1347...

A new CULT forms called Children of the Pestilence...           

Members recruiting lost souls during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Going town to town abducting individuals off the street.  No COVID tests were administered.  Quarantined for 14 days and then allowed to interact with the others.  This was their way of not having infected individuals in their midst.       

No one is safe...Missing Children and Adults are being reported in towns near you...

More leaked information will be revealed at a later time...

"Death is the ultimate orgasm..."

~Children of God (cult)  

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

LA Peste: Year 1347 - Year 2020


Flash forward from the Year 1347 to 2020...

The Plague is in full destruction mode once again...

COVID-19 Plague of 2020 is more devastating...more sickness...more desperation...more violence...more deaths...

The Plague Doctor is roaming the country side doing his magic...

"Damn these bodies are just plying up.  The smell is horrendous.  Good thing I replaced the herbs and flowers in my beak.  

I wonder why most of these dead souls have bite marks all over their bodies. Food supply must be low... 

Consuming already infected individuals is not the way to go.  Cannibalism seems to reign in these awful times...

This will only lead to more Sickness and Death...

I have to get creative in the disposal of these bodies.  The barely alive sick ones will be herded and placed in old abandoned hospitals...

The burning will start soon.  Burn the infected bodies... The smell will be horrifying.  Better add more flowers and herbs to my beak.  

The work of a Plague Doctor never ends in the Year 2020..."

"2020 is quicksand - Keep Calm and try to make it out alive."

~Terri Guillemets 


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

This Feels like the END


Nobody can save us now...

This Plague is our penance for destroying the Earth...

Running out of places to bury the dead...

Decaying Bodies are being stored in U-Hauls  outside of funeral homes...

Hospital Morgues are at their capacities...

Awaiting family members to pick up their love ones...What happens if there is no one left in the family...All members have succumbed to the same devastating disease (COVID-19)...

"Life is a sexually transmitted disease and the mortality rate is one hundred percent."

~R.D Laing

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Caution! Cuco en el Monte

 Passing through this plane of existence...

Humans disturbing the Spirits' rest...

Through the door at The Mount ...

Edith Wharton walks into her summer home...

Why are these despicable humans trampling through my home...

I smell that most of them are not well...

It seems they're carrying a great sickness (COVID 19)...

Infecting each other with touching...

I survived the Spanish Flu of 1918...

This is much worse for them...

I think I will stay awhile to see what happens...

There's not much entertainment in the afterlife...

"Half the trouble in life is caused by pretending there isn't any."

~Edith Wharton 


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Since Birth...

Information stolen from WETNANNA files...

COVID-19 virus lurks in all of us...

It's in our Blood since Birth and they figured how to turn it order to turn us OFF permanently...

"This must be our ORIGINAL SIN..." 
