Wednesday, October 21, 2020

LA Peste: Year 1347 - Year 2020


Flash forward from the Year 1347 to 2020...

The Plague is in full destruction mode once again...

COVID-19 Plague of 2020 is more devastating...more sickness...more desperation...more violence...more deaths...

The Plague Doctor is roaming the country side doing his magic...

"Damn these bodies are just plying up.  The smell is horrendous.  Good thing I replaced the herbs and flowers in my beak.  

I wonder why most of these dead souls have bite marks all over their bodies. Food supply must be low... 

Consuming already infected individuals is not the way to go.  Cannibalism seems to reign in these awful times...

This will only lead to more Sickness and Death...

I have to get creative in the disposal of these bodies.  The barely alive sick ones will be herded and placed in old abandoned hospitals...

The burning will start soon.  Burn the infected bodies... The smell will be horrifying.  Better add more flowers and herbs to my beak.  

The work of a Plague Doctor never ends in the Year 2020..."

"2020 is quicksand - Keep Calm and try to make it out alive."

~Terri Guillemets 


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