Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Beauty among the Savages

 A Dead comrade...

Another casualty of this Plague (Covid-19).

A despicable Human searching for food in a beautiful and wondrous park decides to attack an unsuspecting squirrel.  Squirrels don't read newspapers.  They have no idea the Earth is in midst of a Global Pandemic.  They just think humans have lost their minds.  Which they definitely have...

Human grabs the squirrel and suffocates it.  Human takes a healthy bite and immediately drops it to the ground.  Squirrel tastes terrible... 

COVID-19 had entered this squirrel's   bloodstream days ago.  Now this horrible human has this disease.  The disease is traveling through the human's bloodstream like a freight train.  Not stopping or slowing down.  Until it reaches the brain and lungs.  In a few days, the human will feel the full effect of COVID-19.  Unless starvation catches him first...

"Humans are savages.  Their civilized behaviour is only a conditioned response." 

~Ljupka Cvetanova


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