Monday, October 26, 2020

dead girl in the pool


News Flash...

dead girl in the pool...FOUND at the bottom...

Possible suicide of a Children of the Pestilence member...  

Wandering around this secluded gated community...

I find this inviting pool scene...

I sneak into the enclosed pool area.  Dark, cold, and losing my mind I start to undress...

I blame my parents for introducing me to the Elders of C.O.P.  My innocence was lost the first time I engaged in their perverted and sick rituals...

My parents informed me it was either join the group (Children of the Pestilence) or die an agonizing death from COVID-19.  No choice either way.  Death would find me...

I slowly slip into the water clutching a razor blade in my hand...Cold at first then sort of comforting...

Slice my wrists and then slice numerous areas of my body.  The blood spilling out into the water...

My secrets and troubles are leaving my body...

Just before I lose consciousness...A random thought enters my twisted mind...I wish I could see the look on the property owners' faces when they find a dead girl in the pool...

After all this I'm just the dead girl in the pool... 

"No one commits suicide because they want to die.  Then why do they do it? Because they want to stop the pain."

~Tiffanie DeBartolo   

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