Monday, October 26, 2020

A Warning in October 2020: Children of the Pestilence

Do not pass...

Call off the rescue party no one is looking for me...

I'm not the hero you want me to be...

I know the End and it's not pretty...

Cults usually emerge during times of uncertainty.  Individuals searching for a place to belong.  To make sense of their chaotic world.  

In 2020, this world has not seen this much Chaos since the Year 1347...

A new CULT forms called Children of the Pestilence...           

Members recruiting lost souls during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Going town to town abducting individuals off the street.  No COVID tests were administered.  Quarantined for 14 days and then allowed to interact with the others.  This was their way of not having infected individuals in their midst.       

No one is safe...Missing Children and Adults are being reported in towns near you...

More leaked information will be revealed at a later time...

"Death is the ultimate orgasm..."

~Children of God (cult)  

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