Sunday, April 10, 2011

Cooling Off

Lay a body onto the cold morgue tray. Your skin grows colder by the second as you begin to stick to the tray.  A low humming sound surrounds you.  This is the cooling unit working overtime to keep your body cold and fresh.  A smelly dead body is not appetizing to another person's nose.  Ever smell a body that's been rotting in a forgotten neighbor's apartment for weeks or months.  I think Mrs. Jones' dead or she's cooking some weird shit on the stove. 

Mr. Tiddles likes to find abandoned hospital morgues to stick a victim inside for safe keeping.  Sometimes, I return a few days later and the cooling unit wasn't working and my victim is slightly decomposing.  Since the body is on its way...Mr. Tiddles closes the door and allows the body to decay even more.  I love to watch the maggots eat away at the flesh!!!

Someday everyone will be in this same position: On your back lying on a morgue tray. 

So don't be claustrophobic!!!

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