Saturday, April 23, 2011

Out House = Slay House

Mr. Tiddles happens upon a deserted construction site.  The workers left a porter potty behind.  I will transform this Out House into a Slay House.  Drag my victim from behind the warehouse and pull her into the transformed out house.  Bound and gagged...she sits on the toilet.  She doesn't scream she just stares at me in disbelief that I finally caught her.  She knows what I'm about to do...She has done this a least a dozen times...

Finding and capturing a female serial killer is rare.  Mr. Tiddles has a sixth sense when it comes to these things.  I can spot them in a crowd.  They give off these tell-tale signs.  This one did not learn to shut these signs off in public.   I'm teaching Goatboy this trick.  As usual Goatboy is late...this is his kill.  I will not kill in his presence.  However, I can't wait forever for him to return from dumping this little serial killer's vehicle.  She was driving an Old Dodge Pinto.  This vehicle is a death trap and she drove it with pride.  She stood out in the public eye (a mistake on her part).   Who the hell still drives a brown Dodge Pinto?

Well Mr. Tiddles can't wait forever for Goatboy.  I will just tell him that she joined our group and I let her go...and she will now kill for us.  Her long blond hair is matted against the dirty slay house.  I pick her up off the toilet and yank her head down towards the toilet hole and stuff her in it.  She begins swallowing brown toilet water and choking on used toilet paper.  Hey these things are not known for being clean and sanitary .  She is gasping for air and she swallows more thick brown water.  She is turning blue and suffocating.  I watch her eyes roll back into her head.  Her life force turns off. 

Mr. Tiddles pulls out a machete and begins chopping her into pieces and stuffs her into the hole.  She will mix with the shit and piss.  Blood is splattered everywhere.  The workers will think someone dumped dark red paint all over the place.  Imagine the smell in a few days...the construction workers will think that someone ate bad food from a local convenience store.  

Mr. Tiddles still has time to burn his dirty bloody clothes before Goatboy returns...

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