Friday, August 26, 2011

A Bad Trip

We are chasing our prey down this psychedelic passageway...

Now it's getting dark...Wow, this is turning into a bad trip*

A warning to all...Do not take the brown acid it's not particularly good.

Coughing up fur balls and chasing dragons down the street with my eyes full of poison.

We corner our prey inside a foreboding building in the woods.  Mr. Tiddles asks loudly, "Why would this building be located in the middle of the woods?"     

Mr. Tiddles feels the darkness closing in and stops himself from falling into a wormhole.  Damn this stuff (brown acid) is dreadful. 

Goatboy catches our runaway prey and throws her into an overturned metal locker.  He must be riding a better trip than               Mr. Tiddles.   

Goatboy is well trained and continues our mission...he takes a metal rod found on the cement floor and repeatedly plunges the sharp end into our female prey's body.  Blood is pouring out of the metal locker.    

Mr. Tiddles grabs Goatboy and makes him slow down.  "Savor the horror of it all, my killing apprentice."

This lucky prey was with her boyfriend hunting deer in the woods.  Well now, she is the hunted and had to pay the ultimate price.  Her boyfriend is next on our list...we cannot allow the hunting of defenseless Earth creatures to continue on our watch. 

*Bad trip (a psychedelic crisis) is a disturbing experience sometimes associated with use of a psychedelic drug such as LSD.  Manifestations can range from feelings of vague anxiety and alienation to profoundly disturbing states of unrelieved terror, ultimate entrapment, or cosmic annihilation.

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