Sunday, August 7, 2011

Mythical Creature

Goatboy is Mr. Tiddles' henchman.  He is the brawn of this killing duo. 

Half man and half goat...He is the one who usually rips out the eyes of their victim's with his bare hands.  Goatboy frequently chokes the life out of male victims who are twice his size.  He is vicious killing machine who is under the direct tutelage of Mr. Tiddles. 

Goatboy taught to kill evil humans without hesitation.  He does not speak, making guttural sounds as a form of communication.  Mr. Tiddles' found him wandering the highways in the Heartland of Middle Slime USA. 

Goatboy was a messy and undisciplined killer before meeting Mr. Tiddles.  He would often leave mutilated bodies out in the open in plain sight.  When the law would catch him...he would just tear the officers apart like a wild mythical beast and continue on his journey.

Mr. Tiddles will continue to hone Goatboy's inner rage and brutal nature.  He will become an efficient and disciplined killing machine.

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are the Killing duo for the 21st Century...

"If you're going to do something, do it well, and leave something witchy!"  ---Charles Manson

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