Sunday, August 21, 2011

Mr. Tiddles 2.0

Fuck my face is on fire...

Goatboy used too much petrol during one of our burn killings.  Quickly the flames engulfed our cabin and my mask caught fire.  It melted on my face.   In our line of work (savagely killing as many humans as possible) this sort of mishap is an occupational hazard.

Get a load of Mr. Tiddles now!!!    Mr. Tiddles will be using this face from now on...

Everyone hides who they are at least some of the time.  Mr. Tiddles doesn't hide a thing!!!

"Sometimes you bury that part of yourself so deeply you have to be reminded it's even there at all. And sometimes you just want to forget who you are altogether... I'm the monster they want me to be..." --unknown

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