Sunday, August 14, 2011

Wrong Number

We are currently chasing our newest victim down a busy street.  Two freaks running after this tall slender jogger.  This victim was trolling for his nightly "pussy grab."  He would run by the waterside and wait for a female to drive by the area.  He would lie down in the road and pretend that he was hurt.  An unsuspecting female would stop her vehicle and get out investigating the situation.  He would jump up, grab, and drag her back to her vehicle.  He would drive off with his screaming passenger.  If one became too loud, he would use a chloroform soaked rag to quiet her screams.  

Drive to a desolate area of town and have his way with his unconscious female gift.  He would stick his diseased member inside every hole possible.  He then mutilates, and dumps her body in a nearby dirty body of water.  However, tonight Mr. Tiddles and his henchman, Goatboy, interrupted his "pussy grab routine."     

Damn this guy can run like the wind.  Huffing and puffing we continue chasing our prey through the streets.  Finally, this guy trips on a curb in front of a telephone booth and falls down.  Goatboy grabs him and proceeds to smash his head and whole body into the telephone booth repeatedly. The aluminum structure begins to bend from this brunt force.  This guy becomes a lump of flesh in Goatboy's hands.  Mr. Tiddles whispers to him, "I guess you got the wrong number!"   

We flag down a naive motorist in a black vehicle.  Why would someone stop for us two freaks carrying a body?  Good thing, there are idiots in the world.  We need to make our getaway.  I fling open the driver's side door, punch the driver in the face, and knock him out.  Push his body to the other side.  Goatboy carrying the body jumps into the back seat.  We are off like the wind...Now we have two bodies to dispose of instead of one.  There must be a nearby graveyard to dump these  bodies.

"Hello? Are you still there?"  "Hello? Hello, are you still there?"  And much too late...  "Sorry... wrong number."   "I'm sorry it's the wrong number."  "Yeah... sorry, wrong number."
  ---The Cure

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