Saturday, August 13, 2011

High-Speed Death Chase

Chasing down your prey in a high-speed chase in the rural backwoods of town is exhilarating. 

Speeding over bumps and zipping through ditches.  Mr. Tiddles' foot is on the pedal and Goatboy is holding on riding shotgun.  Our vehicle catches up to our prey and we cut her off.  We both crash.  Kick the windows out and escape before our prize gets away.  However, trapped in her vehicle and semi-unconscious, we take out petrol cans from our trunk and douse her and the whole vehicle with this flammable expensive liquid.   

Our trapped girl is about to wake up.                  Mr. Tiddles stands outside her vehicle and stares at her until she wakes up.  Goatboy opens her truck and fills it with dry brush and tree branches.  He drops a few lit matches into the truck and watches the back end of the vehicle catch on fire and go up in flames.  The look on the trapped girl's face is priceless, when she realizes what is happening.     

Our trapped friend had to pay for her dastardly deeds.  She would sell dogs and cats to laboratories for experiments.  Therefore,                Mr. Tiddles conducted his own experiment to see how long it would take for this lucky girl to suffer and die when her vehicle is doused with petrol and a brush fire is started in her trunk.  With-in a few minutes the whole vehicle was  engulfed in flames.   

She was screaming just like the poor animals she sold to unscrupulous corporations that experiment on animals their lethal and dangerous products.  

-The confined area of a vehicle can speedily attain temperatures above 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit.

So let this motherfucking bitch burn!!!!

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