Monday, January 30, 2012

Secret X-37B space plane

Leaked Information from WETNANNA's portable disk drive:

{The United States Air Force's secretive    X-37B space plane has been circling Earth for more than 10 months, and there is no telling when it might come down.

As of Friday (Jan. 20, 2012), the mysterious unmanned robotic X-37B spacecraft has been aloft for 321 days, significantly outlasting its stated mission design lifetime of 270 days.  It may stay up for even longer yet, experts say, particularly if the military views this space mission — the second ever for the hush-hush vehicle — as something of an endurance test.
"Because it is an experimental vehicle, they kind of want to see what its limits are," said an anonymous technical adviser with the Secure World Foundation and a former orbital analyst with the Air Force.}

The U.S. Government is either spying on foreign countries or on their own populace.  

The humans have entered dark times...

Rampant Crime and Poverty

Committing Unimaginable violence against one another

Democratic societies turning into Police States in order to have complete and absolute control

Manipulation of foreign and domestic currencies in order to create a New World Order

Humans are going down a dark path with no hope of Redemption.   

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are here to make sure it becomes increasingly darker for the humans...before the END!!!

In dark times, the eyes begin to see--Oliver Stone

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Seagulls: The Garbage Men of the Universe

REVENGE against the humans...

ATTACK...My minions.  This mercenary was attempting to escape Mr. Tiddles' liar by climbing up the side of a mountain.  These seagulls are cleaning up the Earth of these wretched humans.

Chew, claw, bite, and devour this mercenary, for he invaded the sanctuary of Mr. Tiddles' Lair under orders from his boss.  His boss a deranged philanthropist (SorosGheorge), who has a personal vendetta against yours truly. Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy disposed of his incestuous fornicating son and daughter. 

He thought by hiring mercenaries to assassinate the greatest and most prolific killing duo of recorded time would give him solace, but he was sadly wrong. Eventually, he will pay for his transgressions, just as the rest of the human race will pay dearly.        

"Mitch, why are they doing this, the birds?
-We don't know, honey.
-Why are they trying to kill people?
-I wish I could say."
(Alfred Hitchcock's the Birds)

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Anger Inside

Mr. Tiddles caught a filthy human feasting on an Earth Creature.  A Rouge mercenary stayed behind at Tiddles' compound.  Haven't eaten for weeks, he cornered a helpless bird.  The mercenary tore the feathers off the body and began to tear into the fleshy part of the Earth Creature.

Mr. Tiddles returned to the compound and witnessed this desecration with his own eyes.  Extreme anger and hatred for the human race (more than usual) welled up inside him.  Exceedingly enraged, he picked up a wooden stake and rushed at the cowering mercenary.   

The wooden stake came down upon the mercenary's head just as a spike was driven into the Earth during the Early American Railroads of 1869.



The mercenary's body was shaking uncontrollably and blood splurging from his mouth.  He did not have even have time to utter a scream.  His body collapsed and Goatboy dragged him to cook in the BIG OVEN...

"Anger is a killing thing: it kills the man who angers, for each rage leaves him less than he had been before - it takes something from him." --Louis L'Amour

Sunday, January 15, 2012

MIND RUBBERS: The Return of Project MKULTRA

Leaked Information to the Masses:

Project MKULTRA, or MK-ULTRA, was the code name for a covert illegal CIA human experimentation program, run by the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence. This official U.S. government program began in the early 1950s, continued at least through the late 1960s, and used U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects.

The published evidence indicates that                 Project MKULTRA involved the use of many methodologies to manipulate individual mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs and other chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture.

It is widely believed that:

Jonestown, the Guyana location of the  Jim Jones Cult and Peoples Temple mass suicide, was thought to be a test site for MKULTRA medical and mind control experiments after the official end of the program. Congressman Leo Ryan, a known critic of the CIA, was murdered by Peoples Temple members after he personally visited Jonestown to investigate various reported irregularities.

Project MKULTRA has returned to operation in North America.  This time CIA's Office of Technology Intelligence (OTI) is running the show.    Often individuals and small groups who they deem ENEMY COMBATANTS are kidnapped in the dead of night.  These citizens are taken to secret locations for experimentation and hooked up to machines, where manipulation of their mental states and  re-programming are conducted to become either loyal subjects or assassins for the New World Order.  The individuals who perform these experiments are referred to as  MIND RUBBERS

After these affected citizens' "usefulness" ends... They are eliminated in ritualistic fashion (See example:         Jim Jones Cult Peoples Temple mass suicide (1978) and Heaven's Gate Cult suicides (1997)).      

MEANWHILE... scores of bodies were found freshly mutilated in a local graveyard.  It's believed this is the work of two depraved individuals who are out of control and waging a brutal WAR against humanity. 

This reporter will leave you bloggers with this intriguing question: Can these two individuals be "failed experiments" of the U.S. Government's Mind Control branch of the CIA or something even more sinister?

More information will be leaked in the near future...

Information leaked by Code name: WETNANNA

“This is a landmark regulation on human studies                                          (Project MKULTRA circa November 18, 1978). We want to send the message clearly that certain kinds of human research can never be acceptable.” ---Rev. Jim Jones

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Chasing Demons in a Graveyard

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy have cornered a group of mercenaries in a local graveyard.  They seem to not comprehend there is nowhere to hide.  Hunted down and tortured as if they were wild game in the African plains.   

Some mercenaries believe this graveyard is haunted and that is why some have turned up mutilated.  Death and Mutilation is our specialty.  Goatboy stands behind a huge gravestone and waits for a mercenary to walk by.  One makes the mistake of passing this gravestone and Goatboy lunges forward and grabs the mercenary by his neck lifts him off the ground.  Goatboy crushes the mercenary's windpipe with ease, tears out the fucker's esophagus and larynx, and blood sprays all over the headstones.     

Mr. Tiddles chases a mercenary through the graveyard and makes him run and fall into an open grave.  Dirt and rocks are thrown on top of him.  Buried Alive! 

The mercenary herd is thinning...

"The entire world's a graveyard, and we, the birds of prey picking at the bones. That's all we are. We're the ones who let the dying know the hour has come."           ---The Addiction (1995)