Monday, January 30, 2012

Secret X-37B space plane

Leaked Information from WETNANNA's portable disk drive:

{The United States Air Force's secretive    X-37B space plane has been circling Earth for more than 10 months, and there is no telling when it might come down.

As of Friday (Jan. 20, 2012), the mysterious unmanned robotic X-37B spacecraft has been aloft for 321 days, significantly outlasting its stated mission design lifetime of 270 days.  It may stay up for even longer yet, experts say, particularly if the military views this space mission — the second ever for the hush-hush vehicle — as something of an endurance test.
"Because it is an experimental vehicle, they kind of want to see what its limits are," said an anonymous technical adviser with the Secure World Foundation and a former orbital analyst with the Air Force.}

The U.S. Government is either spying on foreign countries or on their own populace.  

The humans have entered dark times...

Rampant Crime and Poverty

Committing Unimaginable violence against one another

Democratic societies turning into Police States in order to have complete and absolute control

Manipulation of foreign and domestic currencies in order to create a New World Order

Humans are going down a dark path with no hope of Redemption.   

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are here to make sure it becomes increasingly darker for the humans...before the END!!!

In dark times, the eyes begin to see--Oliver Stone

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