Monday, January 2, 2012

Failed Getaway

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy watch the mercenaries plan their escape.  

The mercenaries made a hole in the bottom of the dilapidated structure and crawled out to escape.   Mr. Tiddles allowed a few from the group to get a few hundred yards away.   As the mercenaries ran through the woods, Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy were not far behind.   The mercenaries ran onto a highway and flagged down a passing vehicle.  They quickly highjacked the vehicle.  They kidnapped the driver and took off down the road.  It was dark and raining as they drove around a bend in the road. 

The vehicle crashed into a looming figure in the road.  The vehicle's axel snapped like a twig and vehicle came to a screeching halt on the side of the road.   The looming figure was Goatboy.  Goatboy flew into the air and landed about 2-3 yards away.  Goatboy popped right back up off the ground and rushed the vehicle.  Two out of four passengers in the vehicle were stunned, disoriented, and injured from the crash.  The other two mercenaries riding in the front seat died on impact.  The vehicle's damaged axle impaled the front seat passenger through the vehicle's floorboard.  The driver smashed his head into the steering wheel and  never regained consciousness.  Goatboy punched a hole in the driver's side back window, grabbed one of the mercenaries, and snapped his neck as if he was a life-size toy action figure.  Blood sprayed all over the inside of the vehicle.  Goatboy ran to the other side of the vehicle, pulled the last mercenary out of the vehicle, dragged him to the driver's side, and swiftly stomped him to death.      

RED mercenary blood was flowing on this chilly night.  

"It's highly unusual for someone to see a car wreck be classified as a murder."  --Anonymous

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