Monday, January 16, 2012

The Anger Inside

Mr. Tiddles caught a filthy human feasting on an Earth Creature.  A Rouge mercenary stayed behind at Tiddles' compound.  Haven't eaten for weeks, he cornered a helpless bird.  The mercenary tore the feathers off the body and began to tear into the fleshy part of the Earth Creature.

Mr. Tiddles returned to the compound and witnessed this desecration with his own eyes.  Extreme anger and hatred for the human race (more than usual) welled up inside him.  Exceedingly enraged, he picked up a wooden stake and rushed at the cowering mercenary.   

The wooden stake came down upon the mercenary's head just as a spike was driven into the Earth during the Early American Railroads of 1869.



The mercenary's body was shaking uncontrollably and blood splurging from his mouth.  He did not have even have time to utter a scream.  His body collapsed and Goatboy dragged him to cook in the BIG OVEN...

"Anger is a killing thing: it kills the man who angers, for each rage leaves him less than he had been before - it takes something from him." --Louis L'Amour

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