Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Beverage Challenge

Stake out an old beverage machine at a local rundown petrol station.  Insert cans of Mr. Tiddles' brand of beverage...carbonated soda laced with LSD.  Watch the person freak out as they begin to sip their choice of beverage.
Kidnap the drug induced individual and throw him in the back of the Slut Truck.  

Imagine his thoughts...He is on a LSD trip and he runs into a guy in a gray pointy nose mask and another guy in a goat mask.
"Wow I must be hallucinating...these two nice fellows are helping me off the ground and into their truck.  I guess I have been driving too many kilometers picking up female hitchhikers and having my way with them.  My genitals and private area seem to be burning.  I should have worn rubbers with those hitchhikers.  I look down and see them squirting liquid on my pants...that seems weird I smell something burning."

"This beverage is making me believe these guys are setting me on fire.  My genitals are on fire, but I feel no pain.  The smoke is filling up the back of this odd-looking truck.  I am having trouble breathing, but these guys are just standing there watching me on fire and the smoke and fumes do not affect them.  I am going to close my eyes and take a nap and when I wake up this hallucination should be over."

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy watches as their victim takes his last gulp of air...

Our two wayward killers jump out of their truck and wait in the bushes for their next beverage victim.  It's a hot and humid day...there is bound to be more thirsty victims.

Uninvited Guests Hear a Confession Part II

"I look around my cabin; these guys trashed the place and destroyed everything in their path, except the sanitary napkins and the chair where I am tied up."

"I continue my confession...Sometimes, I would travel to the local pub to see if I could pick up any 'fresh meat.'  The locals know I am trouble...but my tits and ass work on drunken males all the time.  I shove my huge bosom in their faces and they start salivating like a hungry dog.  I take them back to my cabin for some promised fun.  However, I am the one who has all the fun!" 

"Gentlemen, under these floorboards are the bones of my victims.  I thought this was going to either scare them or at least impress them, but they just sat there counting my sanitary napkins."

"Maybe I can seduce them like the rest of them.  Well...these two freaks do not seem the types who want sexual relations with a female serial killer like me.  I guess I am doomed!"

Mr. Tiddles speaks...

"Are you done blabbering...It's time for your trip into the Great need to pack a bag!!!"

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy both knell before their female prize.  They tear at her dress and rip it to shreds.  They tear off her panties and her vagina is fully exposed.  Roughly, her legs are spread apart.

"What are they going to do to me...maybe they want sex after all???"

Mr. Tiddles gives an order and Goatboy starts stuffing sanitary napkins into her filthy vagina.  One after another, he starts out gently and gets rougher as he is stuffing the piles of napkins into her.  She is screaming and no one is listening to her cries and pleas to stop this madness.  Over a hundred are stuffed inside.

Mr. Tiddles asks, "Do you know about Toxic Shock Syndrome?  Well you will now!!!"

"At first you will have trouble urinating
and the blood from your impending period will not be released...the toxins will back up into your system...And you will die a slow death..."

"How did this fucker know that I am starting to spot and get my usual heavy period?"

"I guess, I am truly proper FUCKED!"

Monday, May 23, 2011

Uninvited Guests Hear a Confession

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy's slut truck runs out of petrol.  They happen upon a small cabin.

They knock three times and someone answers the door...

The mysterious lady in the cabin speaks...

"Who the hell is knocking at my door at this time of night?  I get up to answer the door.  I open the door slowly.  Get a load of these two freaks.  They storm my lovely abode as if they are storming a castle.  The person in a goat mask grabs me and throws me to the ground.  The person in a disturbing pointy nose mask shouts orders to the goat.   He turns around and double locks my cabin door.  I am propped up in a chair.  The goat pulls out a long piece of rope from inside his jacket and ties me up as ordered.  He roughly stuffs a rag in my mouth so I cannot scream.  It does not matter, my cabin is so far away from civilization, no one would hear my cries anyway!  I look at these two beings with a frightened look on my face.  The guy in the pointy nose mask is babbling that I deserve my fate and he and his apprentice are there to help me to make my transition to the great beyond.  He calls himself         Mr. Tiddles.  I think he is just deranged!!! "

"I am sitting here thinking maybe this freak is right, I deserve this fate, and whatever he and his goat friend are going to do to me.  Yes, I have been despicable and caused many people a great deal of misery in my lifetime.  Maybe I should confess my transgressions to these guys.  Will this give me a free pass and allow me to escape?  I have to try it.  I attempt to speak through the gag.  They are both not listening to me.  They are rummaging through my cabinets looking at their contents.  I have no idea what they are looking for or if they even, know.  They find my industrial-size box of sanitary napkins.  They seem to be going apeshit over finding them.  I wonder if they know what they are actually used for."

"I am having trouble breathing and I am turning red.  The goat jumps up and loosens my gag.  I whisper to him.  Why are you guys doing this?  He does not answer.  He sits on the floor and begins counting the sanitary napkins.  The other crazed guy tells him to keep on counting as he continues to rave about how they are ushering The End of Mankind."

"The goat stops counting and holds up his finger and makes number gestures in the air.  It seems he has counted over one hundred napkins.  The goat never speaks and this scares me even more.  How I am going to have them identify with me, if one never speaks and the other guy makes no sense at all and believes he and his partner are helping me?"

"I am going to keep on speaking and confess everything to them.  I have nothing to lose.  Maybe they will listen to my story and set me free."

"Since I was a little girl I have hurt males.  It all started with this boy picking on me in class.  I made him think I liked him and he followed me home to my family's farm.  He followed me into the shed with a promise of seeing me naked.  I took off all my clothes and he was mesmerized.  I was definitely mature for my age and had a great set of breasts.  He asked me if he could touch them.  I seductively told him to get naked and I would think about it.  All of the sudden he became shy and turned his back to me and got undressed.  I grabbed a gardening sickle.  He turned around and he was naked holding his wiener in his hand.  With one or two strikes with the sharp sickle, I lopped off his prize possession and blood was squirting everywhere.  He had no chance to scream and I jumped on top of him and began choking him.  He died in my arms.  At that moment, I thought...At least he would not be able to show his wiener to anyone else in my school.  I dragged his body to my father's pigpen and watched with glee as the family pigs ate him.  They even ate his little wiener."  

"I have sacrificed at least a dozen boys during my grade school years!!!  This bloodlust has continued into my adulthood.  That is the main reason I have never left my family's farm and live alone in a small cabin on their property.  All my family members are either dead or long gone."  

"Do you guys want to hear more?  I have other spill.  Goat and his boss are sitting on the floor folding the sanitary napkins neatly into piles.  I wonder what they have planned for me.  I hope they are listening to my confession..." 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hijacking of the Slut Truck

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy hijacked this SLUT Truck from a rest stop.  The driver was in the bathroom getting head from a gas attendant.  He left the truck running.  We jumped in and took off for our adventure.  This truck is big enough to hold at least 10- 12 bodies.  We could carve them up in the back and drive somewhere to dispose of the body.  It is a rolling death truck.  

Rolling down the highway looking for our prey, there are endless possibilities for us.  We are taking this killing show on the open road.  Night after after day...not sleeping or resting for days, we keep on searching for worthy victims. 

Hey, these cities are swarming with rapists, killers, pedophiles, and worthy souls to do away with it.

Some of the blog readers out in cyberspace might believe that                       Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy deserve the same fate as our victims, but we have to be caught first and we all know that is not going to happen in your lifetime. 

So we are off to do what we do best...Kill; and do it, sadistically as possible because the extreme always makes an impression.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Trauma in the College Dorm Room

This victim's blood sprayed all over the place like a broken garden hose.  The knife pierced his jugular and it seemed it kept on spraying for hours.  First, he blacked out in the bathtub.  This allows the body to bloat and then the cutting of the flesh is much easier.  

This lucky victim was creating chaos among the coed body of an upper crust college.  He was raping and pillaging the female student body like a Viking during the discovery of America.  He needed to be stopped.  Do not think for a minute that the authorities would have been able to catch him or even cared to stop him.  They believe its part of the college experience to be date raped.  

Well, Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy caught him preparing for a rip-roaring night on campus.  He was taking a leisurely bath.  We walked into his dorm room like two stalking hoodlums.  He did not have a chance to get out of the bath.  He was pushed into the water and he blacked out.  Then a knife was plunged into his neck and the blood started splurging all over the place.  I ordered Goatboy to grab a towel to plug the hole in this guy's neck.  He did not listen...he was mesmerized staring at the blood that was spraying in our faces.  Warm and gooey red liquid dripping down our faces felt exhilarating.

Some people say all the studying at college will kill them.  Well not studying killed this victim.         

R. rattus Part Deux

America and Great Britain want Capitalism...

Well, Mr. Tiddles will give them his version. 

One of Mr. Tiddles' rat minions grew enormous from eating the victims that were fed to him.  

The moral to this story...Do not stand in the way of Unions and do not mess with Mr. Tiddles
Non-union establishments beware.  You will have a giant man eating rat stationed outside.   Then late at night the owner of such establishments will have to cope with Mr. Tiddles and his rat minions. 

Hundreds of Rats will be let loose in their store for an after-hours party.  They will chew and devour everything and anyone in their path.  

Any scabs (non-union workers) left overnight in the store conducting inventory will be torn part limb from limb.  The tearing and crunching of human flesh by rats are deafening and music to Mr. Tiddles' ears.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fast Food Killings

Fast food can be deadly to anyone who partakes it often enough.  Calories are anywhere from 500 - 2000 per meal.    
If humans wish to kill themselves by eating themselves to death with fast food,          Mr. Tiddles can kill them faster and the healthcare system does not become overburdened. 

A vehicle pulls up to a local fast food drive thru.  It is about 2 am.  The guy orders his meal (a meal that is at least 2500 calories).  He just got off a date, smelling of rough date rape sex.  The music in the vehicle is blasting.  His car is a piece of shit and his interior lights are out.  Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy open the back door and they lay down quietly in the back of the vehicle.  

This guy is totally out of it listening to loud death metal music and reminiscing about his date.  He was upset that he did not get a kiss at the end of the date, but no matter her asshole was tight like a virgin, so he was satisfied.  His personality is so awful, the only sex he would have is date rape sex with ladies from the internet.  Usually one date was the limit.  He could not find the right gal who liked rough sex without the romance.

As he pulled away from the drive thru window with his food bounty and slowly drove down a deserted street and parked to eat, Goatboy pops up and starts choking him.  He has food in his mouth and he begins to choke violently.  We both look at him as he gasps for air.  His eyes roll in the back of his head.  I bet he is thinking where these two freaks (Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy) came from.  We stuff the rest of the food down his throat until he stops breathing for good. 

As you can see...this drive thru was transformed to a KILL Thru!!!