Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Beverage Challenge

Stake out an old beverage machine at a local rundown petrol station.  Insert cans of Mr. Tiddles' brand of beverage...carbonated soda laced with LSD.  Watch the person freak out as they begin to sip their choice of beverage.
Kidnap the drug induced individual and throw him in the back of the Slut Truck.  

Imagine his thoughts...He is on a LSD trip and he runs into a guy in a gray pointy nose mask and another guy in a goat mask.
"Wow I must be hallucinating...these two nice fellows are helping me off the ground and into their truck.  I guess I have been driving too many kilometers picking up female hitchhikers and having my way with them.  My genitals and private area seem to be burning.  I should have worn rubbers with those hitchhikers.  I look down and see them squirting liquid on my pants...that seems weird I smell something burning."

"This beverage is making me believe these guys are setting me on fire.  My genitals are on fire, but I feel no pain.  The smoke is filling up the back of this odd-looking truck.  I am having trouble breathing, but these guys are just standing there watching me on fire and the smoke and fumes do not affect them.  I am going to close my eyes and take a nap and when I wake up this hallucination should be over."

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy watches as their victim takes his last gulp of air...

Our two wayward killers jump out of their truck and wait in the bushes for their next beverage victim.  It's a hot and humid day...there is bound to be more thirsty victims.

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