Saturday, May 21, 2011

R. rattus Part Deux

America and Great Britain want Capitalism...

Well, Mr. Tiddles will give them his version. 

One of Mr. Tiddles' rat minions grew enormous from eating the victims that were fed to him.  

The moral to this story...Do not stand in the way of Unions and do not mess with Mr. Tiddles
Non-union establishments beware.  You will have a giant man eating rat stationed outside.   Then late at night the owner of such establishments will have to cope with Mr. Tiddles and his rat minions. 

Hundreds of Rats will be let loose in their store for an after-hours party.  They will chew and devour everything and anyone in their path.  

Any scabs (non-union workers) left overnight in the store conducting inventory will be torn part limb from limb.  The tearing and crunching of human flesh by rats are deafening and music to Mr. Tiddles' ears.

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