Sunday, July 31, 2011

Still Screaming



Here is a lesson for all of you humans to learn.  Class is in session.  Mr. Tiddles will keep on killing.

Mr. Tiddles observes and records all of your transgressions.  If you are committing any heinous crimes, Mr. Tiddles will catch up to you and teach you a final lesson.

These two stacked victims thought they could get away with mutilating coeds from Art class.  Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy followed them around campus observing them picking up coeds and taking back to the dorm for their "date."  They would seduce these coeds with drugs and alcohol.  What coed wouldn't want a threesome during their college years?  They party until their victims pass out.  Then they start their mutilating ritual.  Place the body in the dorm tub, slice holes all over their bodies, and shove art supplies into their bleeding holes.  Take Polaroid pictures for their collection and leave the bodies for maintenance to find them.  The campus police are too dumb to solve this mystery of dead coeds stuffed with paintbrushes and other various art supplies. 

At first, Mr. Tiddles observed them with fascination and then their reign of terror needed to end. 

One stormy night...Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy followed the happy deranged couple to their vehicle.  Pillowcases thrown over their heads, each were soaked in chloroform.  Then they were placed into their vehicle's trunk and driven to the campus' art classroom.  Their unconscious bodies placed on a platform for the student body to view.  They were given a lethal dose of chloroform and for good measure; each victim had a bottle of poisonous paint poured down their throats. 

Mr. Tiddles creates an art masterpiece with stacked bodies...  

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Do You Hear Me?

Ripping the eardrum out of this victim was a bloody mess.  Blood was squirting everywhere.  This individual was not listening to Mr. Tiddles' instructions to lay still and take his punishment.  Therefore, he had to feel my wrath.  Now, he will enter the afterlife with a huge hole in the side of his head.  Pliers are a useful tool.  First dig into the ear canal with a screwdriver make a sizable hole, take pliers, dig inside, and yank it out.  It looks a mini-squid.  I think I will let Goatboy chew on it and afterwards ask him if it tastes like squid.  Goatboy eats anything given to him. 

This victim like the rest of the population is NOT LISTENING to Mr. Tiddles' WARNING...  

This guy was picking up prostitutes and performing rough acts on them for his own amusement.  He would bound and gag them in a chair, and slowly break their toes and fingers, by smashing each toe and finger with a hammer.  He would get so hard in his pants and ejaculate in his underwear over the fact he was inflicting so much pain to this women.  I doubt these prostitutes claimed workmen's compensation. future victims...LISTEN to all instructions given by Mr. Tiddles and there will be a little less pain before death...well just maybe!!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

So Far Out

Strip the bodies of their clothes and then drag them into the CUT-UP house.  Leave the clothes in the street as warnings to the others who cross and interfere with Mr. Tiddles and his journey of eliminating the Evils of this Earth

Tell me something...What is so appealing being a human anyway?  They are vile, dangerous creatures and they must be stopped. 

Once the bodies are inside the house: Cutting, chopping, violating, and ultimately death will occur. 

These CUT-UP Houses are in every major city in the United States.  You just have to know where to find them. 

The carnage will never cease!!!

Mr. Tiddles is so far one can stop him.

"I am getting so far out one day I won't come back at all." ---William S. Burroughs

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Watery Graves

Dumping Bodies is Mr. Tiddles' specialty.   A body is never found unless Mr. Tiddles wants it discovered.  Sometimes, the discovery is used as a tool to strike fear in the population. 

Dumping a victim in the water is an art form.  Make sure he or she swallows some rocks before they are rendered unconscious in order to get the process moving in the right direction.  Then pour powder cement down their throats.  This will do the trick and make the body sink faster.  Hey if humans have the audacity to feed cattle and other livestock powder cement to make them heavier and thus more profitable on the open market,    Mr. Tiddles can give them some of their own medicine. 

Allow the victim to sink in the water like an anchor. Hopefully the flesh decomposes and small fish can feed and eat well for a while.

This is the circle of life... 
Mr. Tiddles' style. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Running on Instinct

Humans and animals are running on instinct.  Humans fuck and kill each other with regularity.  

Unfortunately, they are also fucking and killing the creatures of this Earth.  These creatures do not know any better, but humans should.

Mr. Tiddles must also run on instinct and eradicate these filthy humans.  As many as possible before this Earth and all its inhabitants cease to exist. 

Mr. Tiddles wants an Earth where the creatures rule once again and the humans are the subservient species.

So let the creatures run on instinct and procreate without any impediment.  The humans need to stop populating the Earth with more ruthless beings like themselves.         

Monday, July 18, 2011

Bloodletting at the Public Transport

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy drive up in their Death MobileRed Lips is reading a book on serial killers.  She has never met a serial killer before.  She will meet one now.  

Mr. Tiddles and his apprentice (Goatboy) will show Red Lips a good time.  She is not as innocent as she looks with that Red Rose in her thick wavy hair. She is a budding sexual predator.  She is fresh off molesting her nursing home patients (males and females).  She is an equal opportunity molester.  Some patients ask for her by name.  Others are scared and become disoriented.  Some of them do not need to any more disorientation in their lives.

Goatboy jumps out of the Death Mobile and grabs her and her belongings.  She is thrown in back of the vehicle.                Mr. Tiddles takes off and continues to drive way beyond the city limits.  The Death Mobile pulls over in a deserted rural area and then the FUN begins...

Stripped naked and tied to hooks installed in the floor of the Death Mobile.  Hundreds of Hypodermic needles are plunged into her lovely creamy white flesh.  Bright Red Blood rising in each plunger...Bloodletting at its finest.  Eventually, her organs will begin to shut down from massive blood loss.  Right before her main central nervous system organ (the brain) completely shuts off.  Her ruby red lips quiver, Why? 

Mr. Tiddles responds, "Why not?"    

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Delivering to the Masses

Mr. Tiddles needed to hijack another Death Mobile.  The Slut Truck caught on fire during one of the extermination processes (i.e. killing a worthless human). Goatboy became overzealous and used too much flammable fluid on a lucky victim.  The  truck went up in flames.     

Mr. Tiddles will continue to deliver his brand of justice to the masses.  Humans are so deserving of their fate.  This new and improved Death Mobile has more room in the cargo area for at least two extermination processes to be conducted at once.  See, you must be efficient even when the finished product is a dead body.