Sunday, July 10, 2011

French Swine

An unsuspecting victim is walking up the left side of the block.  She is currently talking on her cellular phone. 

Mr. Tiddles cannot wait until she eventually develops a brain tumor from heavy cellular phone use.  She needs to pay now...not later!
She is currently speaking to one of her own potential victims in French.  French is known to be a very romantic language.  She is not selling romance,  she is selling poverty and heartbreak.

She makes her money the old fashioned way...she bilks men of their money pretending that she is falling in love with them.  Happily being their lady in the street and their filthy whore in the bedroom, she scams these poor guys of their life's savings.  At the same time, she is swallowing their DNA like a $4000 call girl, she is emptying their bank accounts. 

Come on guys, if a female you just met is a perfect goddess and your wealth is dwindling at the same time there is something wrong.

Once she walks past the black vehicle idling,   Goatboy will jump out with a rag soaked with chloroform (A tool of the trade that never gets old or overused).    

She will be dumped into the boot of the vehicle and driven to an undisclosed location (can't tell you bloggers everything). 

A good powerful Circular Saw will cut through flesh and bone like a knife through hot butter.  Cut into at least 16 parts, the body placed into industrial strength black trash bags then dumped into the ponds of rich and powerful folks in the neighborhood.  Dumping these prizes into politician's yards and compounds is just one of the pleasures of being Mr. Tiddles


These rich and powerful politicians being caught up in this type of mess is hilarious when their plight is played out in the national and foreign media.  Some politicians get off and some don't!!! 


That's life in Mr. Tiddles' World.     

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