Monday, July 18, 2011

Bloodletting at the Public Transport

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy drive up in their Death MobileRed Lips is reading a book on serial killers.  She has never met a serial killer before.  She will meet one now.  

Mr. Tiddles and his apprentice (Goatboy) will show Red Lips a good time.  She is not as innocent as she looks with that Red Rose in her thick wavy hair. She is a budding sexual predator.  She is fresh off molesting her nursing home patients (males and females).  She is an equal opportunity molester.  Some patients ask for her by name.  Others are scared and become disoriented.  Some of them do not need to any more disorientation in their lives.

Goatboy jumps out of the Death Mobile and grabs her and her belongings.  She is thrown in back of the vehicle.                Mr. Tiddles takes off and continues to drive way beyond the city limits.  The Death Mobile pulls over in a deserted rural area and then the FUN begins...

Stripped naked and tied to hooks installed in the floor of the Death Mobile.  Hundreds of Hypodermic needles are plunged into her lovely creamy white flesh.  Bright Red Blood rising in each plunger...Bloodletting at its finest.  Eventually, her organs will begin to shut down from massive blood loss.  Right before her main central nervous system organ (the brain) completely shuts off.  Her ruby red lips quiver, Why? 

Mr. Tiddles responds, "Why not?"    

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